Penelope looked up at him questioningly as he told her that she didn't need to worry about what she had talked to Hazel about before. As he assured her that they were fine to stay out longer, the knight grinned a little. "Well, then no arguments here." she chuckled. She was glad to find out that they had more time than she had originally thought as well as that he was feeling better. She pressed a kiss to his cheek then moved to sit down under a nearby tree, patting the ground next to her in a gesture for him to join her. She knew they didn't have quite as much time as she would actually like since she'd have to get back to her camp well before the sun rose but at the very least, she was intent on making the most of what time they did have. Penelope tilted her head back to look up at the stars for a moment, falling briefly quiet as she enjoyed the peaceful moment besides him. His company was relaxing and after nearly three weeks of worrying that she might lose him, the knight was quick to bask in it now that the threat of his illness was virtually gone. Eventually her gaze shifted back over to him and she smiled at him as she moved to intertwine their arms as she took his hand in hers. "How have you been? I've only heard a little about you from Hazel during the meetings and I couldn't really ask for more since Jane, the physician, was with me. The most I heard was from the first meeting.." she frowned a little as she recalled all that Hazel had told her during that time. "She told me a little about how you leg hurt in battle and then about how it pushed your illness into the final stage."