[Center][h2][color=f7976a]Joy[/color][/h2] [color=6ecff6]Location[/color] Club Aether [@MissCapnCrunch][@CaptainSully][@Zaxter996] 'The normal life of Joy Fisher.'[/center] A petite girl with beautiful long blonde hair made her enterance through the front door of the appartement. Softly she kicked her foot against the door as it quietly clicked close once more. She dropped her bag near the door as if it was garbage, just like she let her coat drop from her shoulders onto the cold ground. She kicked off both her shoes to both sides of the room and unzipped her skirt making it fall onto the ground as well. All in one smooth motion she moved through the room before dropping onto the bed with her face right into the pillow, she rumaged around under her pillow grabbimg the remote of the television and clicking it on. An episode of Friends was airing which was quite fun to watch at times so she left it on for now as she boringly waited for time to pass. About half an hour later the doorbell rang indicating that her order of food had arrive just at the right time. She got to the front door and called the guy up while she searched for a small money tip for him somewhere in her bag. The front door already started ringing while she hadn't had time to put on a pants or anything yet. As the lazy person she was she simply opened the door with the thought her sweater was long enough anyway. She boringly took the order from him and gave him the tip before moving back to her nest with the Chinese food just like any day. After another hour of watching television and munching her dinner it began to get quite boring. There weren't really any new anime out today and she didn't want to watch any movies or series. Well, it was supose to be like 50% off club night today so that was somewhat tempting to go too. It wasn't like there was anything better to do for her either. So, she got off her lazy ass and began doing her hair, make up and clothes while eating the just now reheated chinese soup. Another hour later music played from her phone while she loud mouthedly sang with the songs all while she was doing her hair. She was wearing a cute dress that ended just beneath her knees, it had a frilly white part at the top that left the area around her neck open and had sleeves untill her elbows. While under her chest the color was black, the dress was quite wide at the bottom, she wore it together with white pantyhose and flat black shoes. Her bangs were swept to the side like usual only with a cute black butterfly hairclip to finish it off. Her long hair was loosely hanging behind her back with not much of a style in it. Her make up wasn't so extravagant, only a bit of lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, light pink blush and a small bit foundation. At least she was done now. She got over the kitchen and pulled a redbull out of the fridge and a bueno from one of the drawers. She quietly munched half of it down while the songs were still playing and glanced into the big mirror at her doorstep. She thought she did look good yet that annoyed glare wanted to make her punch the mirror in its entirety. She gulped down the last of her sweet chocolate and popped open her redbull while she pulled on her long coat again and equiped one of her [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/SBgAAOSw2XFUeMJh/$_35.JPG?set_id=2]cute bags[/url] into the left hand character slot. While pluging in her earbuds Joy made her way outside and cycled a few blocks down from her house while softly sipping her redbull. Just before she arrived at her destined club Aether she managed to throw the empty can into a trashbin so that she wouldn't be stuck with it. She put her bicycle stuck to a nearby pole and managed to get past the guards while looking seemingly quite nervous. Joy sighed deeply as she stored her coat away at the lobby. She wasn't much for going out but she did enjoy to drink quietly and keep to her own. She had never been to this club before but seeming as it was quite populair she had to try right. The music that came on wasn't really her taste but she could enjoy most songs without knowing them. Joy got close to the bar but waited a minute to unknowingly glare at the bartenders for a while. The woman left leaving only the man to tend for now. He didn't look all to busy so she better order something from him. Quietly she got up to the bar as she glared at the bartender 'seeming quite annoyed' with her bag held by both her hands in front of her lap. [Center]"Can I get a double shot of Bacardi and a draft beer..."[/center] Quite a normal order to make for a small girl. As soon as she recieved her order she paid the bartender and shot the Bacardi. She placed the glass back onto the bar again and pulled a somewhat sour face. Not a big fan of shotting bitter stuff but she had to get tipsy so that she would be maybe just a bit more open. She left the bar for a while as she simply inspected the club a bit all while quickly finishing off her beer to return back upon the bar once more. She still wore the same irritated expression as she spoke to Marcus. [Center]"Can you recommend me anything that is refreshing."[/center] sometimes she did sound like she would kill someone if she didn't get the right reaction or something not fitting to her request. Joy would stay close to the bar not knowing what to do in the club apart from drinking amd browsing her phone. The woman bartender had returned as well.