Penelope listened to him as he explained what had occurred in the stable. Now having more of the details that just the simple explanation Hazel had given her, it did sound like Crow had truly tried to stay out of harms way during the battle like he promised her before. Although she still wished he would have just stayed out of the battle all together, especially after hearing about what the outcome of it was. Had she have met with him soon after the battle, the knight likely would have lectured him on his refusal to stay out of the fight, however, it was all in the past now so she didn't even think much about it. As he admitted he still had a cough, the knight glanced over at him, wondering if the herbalist had mentioned to him that he could possibly never fully get over the illness. "Hopefully." she agreed with a small smile as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. She quickly decided not to bring it up. There was still a chance he would completely heal from the illness so there was no sense in bringing it up if he didn't already know it. As he asked about her, Penelope gave a small shrug and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Well, the battles were.. messy." she frowned a little bit. "I got a cut on my side but it wasn't anything serious. The real issue was Alan dying.. Alan was the son of Bran, the noble who runs the cavalry amongst our group, and Gavin's best friend. They both took the loss pretty hard.. Although Gavin managed to bounce back a bit after a nearly a week. Bran didn't though and it started to become a problem." The knight let out a soft sigh as she thought about the older knight and how upset he had been. "The barons eventually decided to have someone take over his job for a while and I was the one that had to come up with suggestions as to who. One of them was Gavin and that's who they ended up choosing so he's been filling in that job lately. "I started going on more patrols with my brother lately too." Penelope shook her head and groaned, "He's a pain in the ass like usual. But I managed to get him to take a bit of his focus off of you guys. Now he's a little more concerned about the war with Younis so most of his partols stick closer to the border now. So I doubt he'll be coming anywhere near your camp." Another thought crossed her mind as she spoke and she sat up with an amused smirk. "Also I'm beginning to think we might not be the only thief and knight pair around here anymore. Well.. I'm not totally sure but Olivia's been acting a bit different lately when it comes to that one friend of yours."