[hider=Minor Things] [center][h2]Bat Flight[/h2] [img]https://cdn3.vectorstock.com/i/thumb-large/72/12/wing-bat-logo-and-symbols-template-icons-vector-20557212.jpg[/img] [i]A dollar a day keeps the authorities away.[/i] Bat Flight's reputation comes not from sheer Magic power or size (for the group has neither). What Bat Fight lacks in militaristic leverage, however, they make up for in economic leverage. Bat Flight's Guild Master, a man named Keslar Magnate, was a rich tycoon whose company, Magnate Solutions, was dissolved after he was found to have been creating and selling illegal substances to various groups, including pre-Helga-ized World Serpent. Keslar managed to take his wealth underground, though, and formed Bat Flight, a group dedicated to maximizing profits at any cost. Bat Flight has very few Mages in the group- however, they do have a group of well-trained users of Magic Items that are more than capable of defending their honor. [b]Keslar Magnate[/b] A rich man in his late 40's with Elvis-style black hair and always wearing sunglasses, Keslar lacks magic, but he does not lack wealth and imagination, having a whole arsenal of Magic Weapons in his storage depots. [b]Johnny "Tiger" Skinner[/b] A young man with a solid build and always seen in a tiger-print robe, Johnny Skinner, more commonly known as "Tiger," is Bat Flight's only S-Class mage and their ace. Though he holds both titles, Tiger is not as capable of S-Classes from other guilds, ranking at only A+ or A class if compared to other Guilds's ranking systems. Tiger uses Teleportation Magic and hand-to-hand combat to defeat his foes. [b]"Snaggins"[/b] A very short individual, Snaggins stands at the meager height of 4 feet and is always seen wearing green robes and a tall conical hat of matching color. Snaggins is the head designer of Bat Flight's arsenal of weapons, and uses (fitting to his nickname) Net Magic to ensare those that oppose him (or make fun of his stature). [/center] [/hider]