Kaleeth had not specified exactly how long she had intended to speak with Reanaseer, but it was likely longer than Janius had been anticipating. She ended up being away for almost a hour and a half, which was far longer than it took for Julan to have his dinner. Most of that time was rather dull for Julan, considering that he was still too anxious to approach anyone himself. He constantly was getting looks from others, some suspicious, and some merely curious. However, it took someone else approaching him before he interacted with any of the village beyond just asking for food. It was almost an hour after he sat down, but Janius would finally see Julan talking, albeit nervously, to a group of villagers around his own age. For Janius, Kaleeth did eventually return from Reanaseer's hut, though her demeanor did make it hard to tell exactly how that conversation went, at least at first. It was hard to tell if she was depressed, or merely self-reflective as she approached. "Um...sorry I took so long. I guess time got away from me. Is everything still alright?" [hr] Once she caught up, Ahnasha approached Rhazii more slowly. She kept her voice calm, but still firm. "Your beast does not enjoy leaving behind the spoils of a hunt. I am not surprised it is lashing out, considering all of the meat ran from. It wants its reward." Ahnasha stepped around and knelt down in front of Rhazii. Before saying anything further, she pulled Rhazii into a hug and held him there. She wanted to give him a few moments to vent his emotions in silence, but she did need to keep him calm enough to avoid transforming. "Breathe a moment. Just focus on that, on each breath. You're here with me, with your mother, who wants nothing but the best for you. Do you trust me, Rhazii? Do you trust that, more than anything on this world, I want what is best for you?"