[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5c/f3/f2/5cf3f2ba6d946ae51637e47bbbc91316--medieval-costume-carnival-costumes.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]Jaxon Pritchett Age: 26[/b] [i]Leader of the Rogue Thieves[/i] Bio: Ruthless and driven by greed, Jaxon leads a large group of fifteen Brerratic thieves near the inner kingdom of Brerra who loot and pillage nobles to hoard their wealth for themselves. He leads them in a laid-back manner with few rules but isn’t afraid to punish anyone harshly if they should cross him personally. Additionally, if anyone ever poses a threat to him or his band of followers, he will kill them without hesitation, since he believes this is the only way to keep from being captured by knights. In regard to the war, Jaxon cared little about what was happening on the frontlines. That is, until he encountered a Younisian spy who propositioned him and his thieves to work for their side for a handsome pay. Finding their offer appealing, he agreed to sabotage the Brerratic forces so the Younisians could make a comeback in the next battle. Other: Sociopathic tendencies [i][b]DEATH: PAGE 81[/b][/i][/color] [/center]