[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181110/1cdebb3113962bb015e8efd010e398c2.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=white][b]New Ascension[/b][/color] [color=gray]Underground Fighting Ring[/color][/right][hr][indent]Lucille held out her hand before Iko, bringing her companion to heel before anything drastic could take place. [color=FCFC26][b]"Truth be told, my child, our beliefs, ideals, and morals are more alike than you think."[/b][/color] The Zenith replied, her voice echoing within the now silent chamber. Her hands clasped behind her back as Lucille stood before the Airfolk girl, refusing to give any ground to a thinly veiled threat. [color=FCFC26][b]"You seek battle to honor your ancestors, whilst I seek a place of equality for all—slave, commoner, noble—it doesn't matter. An Ascendant is an Ascendant."[/b][/color] [color=FCFC26][b]"I'll tell you what, kid. You desire battle? War? A crusade?"[/b][/color] Lucille exclaimed, staring down the girl with a seasoned glare that only a veteran of many wars could proclaim. [color=FCFC26][b]"Fine; I'll teach you the ways of my own warrior ancestors if I have to, but it will be done my way, and my way only—not running from your parents and hiding what you truly want to be through secrecy." "Do we have a deal, [i]aruetii[/i]?"[/b][/color][/indent]