"Maybe." Penelope mumbled with a little uncertainty. Knowing Olivia rather well, she still wasn't completely sure about the other female knight's feeling. It was rather likely that Olivia was just somewhat fond of the man she was having a fling with and still had no intention of considering anything long term, especially with a thief. [i]Although, here we are.[/i] she thought, glancing fondly at Crow. She let a small silence fall between them as she thought about the situation for a moment longer before Crow spoke up again. The knight frowned a little as he was quick to bring up Gavin. Even though he tried to hide it, it was clear to her that he wasn't pleased about hearing that she was still hanging around her former suitor. It was one of the reasons she usually didn't bring Gavin up when telling Crow about what was happening at her camp, although this time it would have been difficult not to. "Well.. Yeah, we're still friends." she told him with a small shrug. The knight was reminded of Olivia's words about Gavin and him likely still hoping she'd have a change of heart. Penelope shifted her gaze to the ground, once again having to wonder if her ex-suitor understood that she was only interested in a friendship with him, especially now after hearing about what Rikki had done to Crow. [i]Gavin wouldn't do that though... I shouldn't even question this, he knows I'm with Crow and he's been nothing but a loyal friend.[/i] Feeling a bit more confident, she looked back over at Crow, meeting his gaze. "He distanced himself from me for a while so he did move on.. But we started hanging out again before long and he knows I'm with you now. He actually helped cover for me quite a bit when I went missing for that full day before." she mused then gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "He's just good friend."