Nodding his thanks to Bodo, Trex looked back at Zelia. "No. That wouldn't be right." He stated. "As much as the man annoys me, we shouldn't break his cart. Besides, then we'll have to pay for damages." He shook his head. "No, we'll return it. However, I doubt he'll be able to get new horses to replace these ones unless of course he is willing to shell out a lot of money for healthy ones." Not everyone treated animals the way the old man did. When she inquired as to what they were going to do if Natsu or the others didn't know Gyatsu or where to find him, Trex shook his head. "We'll just have to ask around wherever we go." He looked at the exceed. "You might want to stay with Happy, Carla, and Pantherlily." He stated. "They're exceed like you and would make great company while we look around for your friend." He suggested. Apparently that wasn't what the little guy had in mind. Trex glanced down a bit awkward as Bodo moved close and leaned against him stating that he would rather stick with them. Glancing at Zelia, Trex's eyes narrowed at her amused expression. She was really enjoying this. If he didn't know better he might have thought she was behind the whole thing. "Well, let's cross that road when we get there." He stated looking ahead again. Hopefully Natsu and the others knew something. If not, maybe seeing the other exceed would change his mind. It wasn't that he didn't want Bodo along. But no, exceed went with dragon slayers. They didn't travel with ordinary wizards. And besides, Trex glanced at Bodo, the exceed was a bit attached. And it was awkward. Natsu and Gajeel could get away with it as they were dragon slayers. It was part of their MO. But he wasn't. It was just strange. Looking at the road ahead he kept the horses on the path as they exited the city. They had a long way to go. He looked over at Zelia. "Did Flynn and Skye say how they were going to get back?" He inquired not sure if leaving them alone in the Capitol was such a good idea. When Zelia shook her head. He frowned. It was a long way back, especially on foot. And as the train track did not run out this way, it would take them some time to get home. He wondered if they should stick around for them. If they hadn't promised to help Bodo, he might have just stuck around. They really hadn't been separated that much since Flynn joined them. It was bit weird. Then again. It would do the wizard good being on his own - or in this case, with Skye. He wouldn't have to worry about Trex or Zelia looking over his back. Trex nodded. No. This would be good for him. Now all he had to do was figure out how to kill the next day and a half of boredom. It wouldn't be the same playing a game with Zelia. Not with a third person, or in this case exceed, hanging out with them. ~~~~ Skye nodded. Sticking close to Flynn she followed him down the steps and into the large atrium. Spotting an information booth, they headed over there. "What are you looking for?" The attendant asked smiling at them. She listened as Flynn made his request. Using a magic map, she showed them where they were. "You want to go this way, down this hallway and up the stairs taking the first door on your right. From there, follow the signs." She said handing them the map. "It will fade in twelve hours." She warned as they took it. Skye hesitated as second as Flynn turned to go. Originally she had planned to look up what she needed thinking that it wouldn't be that difficult to find. However, she had greatly underestimated this place and wasn't sure she wanted to wonder off by herself. Her bet was she would get lost. If she was outdoors she would be fine. But indoors? In a place this large she would undoubtedly get lost. "Need anything else?" The attendant asked noticing the hesitation. Aware that Flynn was right there listening, Skye thought about how to phrase what she needed without giving anything away. "Is there a list of magic types?" She inquired, feeling that was a safe vague answer but giving her what she needed. The attendant nodded. "Several. For just a plain list, you can head over to the board over there and see. Click on one to see what type it is. However, if you are looking for a specific type you would need to know the name unless you want to go through the whole thing." She shook her head. "Which frankly I wouldn't suggest." "What's the other option?" Skye inquired. Motioning for Flynn to hand back the map, the attendant pointed to where they are at. "You would want to head this way, go through the double arches and go downstairs. I programmed it here so you can follow." She stated looking up. "Once you reach the fountain turn right and go down the hallway. From there you can follow the signs or the map. That will take you into "Classification" Category where you can read up on the various types of magic, including some of the lost magics that we know about. Which isn't much, I'm afraid. Only a description of what they were and there are so many that we don't even know about anymore." She smiled. "Though I doubt your looking for something like that." She smiled. Skye nodded grateful. "Thank you." She said turning and following Flynn. It actually was what she needed to know. However, she was going to stick with Flynn for now. She could always head that way latter. And if she got lost...well, Flynn had the map. He would come looking for her eventually. Or...she hoped he would. She looked over at him. "I wonder what they have on colour keys." She stated as they headed that direction.