Penelope rolled her eyes at him as he insisted that Gavin was playing at an angle. "If I remember correctly, didn't you settle for friendship between us right before I decided I couldn't?" she said giving his side a soft poke as she recalled the storm they had gotten trapped in. It was a bit strange to think about how distant they had been during that time, especially now since it felt like not much had changed between their two years apart. "He could have settled too you know." She sighed and looked over at him. She let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around him as she felt a sudden burst of affection for the thief after recalling what it had felt like to not have him by her side. The knight couldn't help but feel grateful that they had ran into each other again and had another shot at the future they had wanted before the war. Feeling a bit playful, she smirked mischievously and suddenly leaning her full weight into him to gently push him over into the grass. Climbing on top of him, she hovered above him, using her elbows to prop herself up, and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. "Even if he is waiting like you believe, he's going to have to give up eventually otherwise he'll be waiting for the rest of his life." Her smirk softened into a loving smile as she looked down at him. "You're the man I love and if I've learned anything, it's that nothing is going to change that. Not our statuses, time, Rikki or Gavin." She leaned down and trailed kisses from the bottom of his neck to his jawline. She didn't want him to be concerned about Gavin, regardless of what the male knight was thinking, or feel any uncertainty about her own faithfulness to him or give him any reason to break his promise and give in to Rikki. [i]Stop that.[/i] she chided herself silently at the thought of him falling for Rikki's temptation, faltering slightly as she kissed him. Penelope hated to admit that it was still bothering her but the knight couldn't help it after hearing how close he had gotten. Pushing the worry back down she let out a soft sigh against his skin, "I love you, Collin."