Penelope grinned back at him as he returned her words and kissed her cheek. She leaned down to meet his lips as he kissed her. The knight closed her eyes peacefully as she sank into his touch. However, the peace didn't last long as Crow spoke up again. She looked down at him, noticing his change in expression rather quickly. She fell silent as she listened to him. His last words hit a bit stronger than the ones before as she recalled how Gavin had tried to convince her that Crow was dangerous. Though the male knight had seemingly dropped that argument, she supposed that didn't mean his opinion had changed quite yet. That and she suspected that Crow was still thinking about what Rikki had done. Wanting to put his mind at ease, she nodded her head. "Alright." she agreed softly as she moved to rest one hand against his cheek as she held his gaze. "I won't let my guard down around him, you have my word." Penelope leaned down and pressed another kiss to his lips and then shifted to rest her head against his chest. Comfortable in his embrace, she felt a bit of drowsiness begin to set in as she rested on top of him. Penelope closed her eyes for a moment, feeling all too tempted to fall asleep in his arms. It had been so long since she had been able to sleep in his arms as well as wake up in them. Penelope sighed, wishing the day came soon when they wouldn't have to part so often. "I should get going soon. Otherwise I might just pass out here." she joked half-heartedly. The knight rolled off of him and laid in the grass besides him. Laying on her side and propping herself up with her elbow, she looked down at him with a more serious gaze. "We shouldn't wait too long for the next meeting though." she told him and paused before adding,"Not just because I want to see you again as soon as possible but because another battle's coming up soon too. The barons haven't set an official day yet but I'm sure it won't be long now."