The ruby was taken by surprise as the ground beneath her felt a sudden urge to rumble and thrash. It was far worse to the sand's similar fidgeting, and as sure-footed as she usually was the small gem wound up flying down the hall, landing splayed out against the corner of the room now upside down and groaning in the next room at the turbulent ride she had just been put through. As she slowly gathered her bearings and rolled back into an upright position the others spoke and she listened with intrigue. She seemingly hadn't been noticed yet, or at least the others were expecting her. And just who were they anyway? They weren't like her, though she had seen the fauna of this world: Humans, deer, frogs, and fish. Not a single one was the same and they came in all shapes and sizes. Maybe in that sense, they were one of her own kind but just different. Her gaze came to them now less with perplexed gawking and now with an almost appraising stare between them, a bright smirk on her face as she easily replied to the question asked about her alignment. "I um... I'll get back to you on that one when I know which one I'm with. For now, I just know that I am ruby and this is an interesting map" Her topsy-turvy voice honeyed with calmness as she tried her best to sooth the clearly distressed Amber. She quickly turned her attention to the small pearl in her clutches with a worried look, but she had no better answer than the Amber would. And so she moved forward to the map instead. Her stubby finger slowly moved towards the screen in an attempt to press upon the red dot in the eastern European area, though her body was far too small. She turned to the Serendibite with a nervous chuckle and spoke once more. "You, uh... Wanna give me a lift?"