[hider=Dustin Grimm][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181126/26560450668dd606b86d0cdb12e03583.png[/img] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21800000/Garrett-Hedlund-garrett-hedlund-21884832-500-293.gif[/img] [hr] [i]”Seize the day; Wallow in the night. Sounds about right to me” - Dusty Grimm[/i] [hr] [b][color=BFA65C]Name:[/color][/b] Dustin Henry Grimm [b][color=BFA65C]Nicknames:[/color][/b] Dusty Boozy Pretty Boy [b][color=BFA65C]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=BFA65C]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=BFA65C]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=BFA65C]Occupation:[/color][/b] Ranch Hand at Redwater Ranch Touring Musician USAF Airman (Formerly) [b][color=BFA65C]Appearance & Personality:[/color][/b] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m21epsB9dH1r02qve.gif[/img] [hr] When one looks upon the face of Dustin Grimm the truth is immediate, he is a handsome bastard. With chestnut brown hair, neat facial hair and piercing blue eyes, he is the the picture perfect representation of the American cowboy. Standing around 6’2 and sharing his father's lean physique, when he wants to be Dusty is a strong worker on the farm and even better at the bad stuff that the family don’t talk about openly. His style of dress is simple; jeans, boots and a flannel shirt often accompanied by his Levi jacket and stetson. Dusty is devastatingly charming; with a rattlesnake smile that has got him through many a tough time and into many of Gatlings single ladies beds and sometimes even the married ones. For the most part he is happy go lucky and carefree and shares much of his old mans drive. When something needs to be done that may or may not be breaking the law, it is usually Dustin that does the deeds. He has an almost unearthly ability to switch off his conscience and do what needs to be done. He is completely enamoured with his music and often will disappear from town for months on end to travel with nothing but a guitar and a book of country songs. He is a wanderer and he always has been. Like his father before him, Dustin served in the army, having done several tours in Iraq before being discharged. Ever since leaving he has struggled to find his place in world, istead finding life at the bottom of a bottle. Dusty is by his own admission, a high functioning alcoholic. He is very rarely seen without a drink in his hand but has managed to find a balance that it rarely affects his personal life, so far that is anyway but it’s really only a matter of time before it catches up with him and he knows that. [b][color=BFA65C]History:[/color][/b] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/82532ec38a45a4fbe1ae61093189bb3c2b4825bc/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f56347a616d445f764a52464b78673d3d2d3332353938313939302e313438303862316237336330643532653834363132393733343639322e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [hr] Dustin Grimm is a middle child of the large Grimm family and coincidently shares a birthday with his father, Hank. Dusty was always close to his mother Sadie, often spending any free time he had away from the farm singing with her at church or taking care of his younger siblings whilst strumming his guitar. Dusty was always a free spirited youngster and spent a lot time getting into some scrapes and trouble much to the chagrin of his sheriff father. At eighteen, Dusty like most Grimm men went to serve his country. A pilot in the Air Force, he completed several tours in Iraq before being discharged on medical grounds. The war had very much taken a heavy toll on Dusty and he found his solace in a bottle of rye and on the strings of his guitar. Soon after, he began touring as a session musician, hooking up with bands to lend a guitar and and occasionally open their shows. It wasn’t a celebrity lifestyle but it was enough for Dusty. It was steady but fast and it kept him out of trouble, for the most part. Upon his return home, Dustin got his first true glimpse of the dark side of ranching when a local gang took umbrage with the Grimm clan. Taking advantage of the local urban legend, the gang beat up one of the younger Grimms, Gordon and killed one their cattle, placing its head with the broken youngster ala Jamie Goode. In a town like Gatling which is almost lost to time and justice never prevails, the Grimms took matters into their own hands with Dusty at the forefront; strangling one of the gang with his bullwhip. From that moment onward if something dirty needed done, Dustin was the one knee deep in the dirt. When he’s not touring, Dusty likes to help out at the farm when he can however even when he’s useful his behaviour puts him at odds with his father and with the recent death of his mother the mediator, things will only get worse before they get better. [b][color=BFA65C]Extra Info[/color][/b] Font Color: [color=BFA65C]BFA65C[/color] Face Claim: Garrett Hedlund[/center][/hider]