[center][hr][hr][img]https://image.ibb.co/hHTZ3p/pro.gif[/img][hr][color=536d78][b]Date:[/b][/color] Monday May 23rd, 2017[hr][/center] [color=536d78][b]Flight UA 2199 Gate:[/b][/color] "Well dog my cats I ain't be talkin' no differently than y'all. It be English ya know," Gavin said with a chuckle but Roy wasn't buying it. "Riiight," he muttered before turning his attention to Cecily. A brow went up and he nodded a bit. The men walking behind Cecily as she went over to Lincoln and introduced herself. Lincoln took a shaky breath and held his hand out to her. "I'm... Lincoln Roberts," he said in a British accent. Gavin reached over and shook the mans hand. "Texas Ranger Comfort sir. Real sorry about yer loss, anythang I can do to help please let mes know," Gavin said in his thick accent as he tipped his hat to the man. Roy shook his head a bit. "Detective Gregory, Miss Ashworths partner," Roy added but he just stood there. Lincoln looked confused. "Um... why so many cops?" he asked. "What happened?" he added a bit more frantically. [color=536d78][b]Roads Of Chicago:[/b][/color] "Some ancient text apparently," Claire said as she weaved through traffic. She was chewing a piece of gum and popped a bubble between sentences. "Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus." Swerving around a corner she dodged a car that hit its breaks and then gunned it. "Apparently it is a three volume set but the 3rd book was supposedly lost centuries ago according to reports but this woman claims to have had it in her possession for the last five years. What the fuck is in it is anyones guess," Claire added as she took another turn well faster than what needed to be done. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! These roads are worse than fucking India!" she exclaimed and she wasn't totally wrong. They were crowded and over packed that was for sure but the woman was driving like she was in downtown LA. "Oh well, least Dr. Ice ain't fucking driving, we'd be dead," she chuckled to herself as she kept going. "Should be there shortly," she said and she wasn't wrong. It was about another five minutes before they pulled up to a [url=https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/9xADEhplzIH1qcNVagXdHQ/ls.jpg]row of buildings[/url] on the corner of a street. "Here we are." [color=536d78][b]Grimaldi Books:[/b][/color] "No, I don't have a copy of that particular text but..." a [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltapy33uuP1r064vyo2_500.gif]woman[/url] started to say into the phone. It was obvious that she had been cut off as she drummed her fingers on the counter that was half covered with old texts. Her eyes narrowed a bit before she started spouting off in a language other than English. "Non mi interessa se il Papa stesso ha chiesto di prendere in prestito il libro. Non ce l'ho e anche se lo facessi avrei solo permesso di vedere il testo qui nella mia posizione privata. Ora ho i volumi 1 e 2, ma attualmente 3 sono stati rubati. No, non so chi l'ha preso ma se ne hai. Questo รจ quello che pensavo. Buona giornata monsenior," she said before clicking the phone off and pushing her hair out of her face. "I miss the days when I could slam a phone down on someone," she muttered under her breath before taking a book and slamming the cover shut. Gathering up a pile of book she went around the counter and started to reshelve them. "Sorry about that Robert," she said to the older man in the store with her. "Vatican again," she explained before pushing the last book back onto the shelf. "Is there anything I can get you while you go over all that paperwork?" she asked as she walked over to the small table he was at and looked at him. "Coffee perhaps?" [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana - Forest:[/b][/color] Tim nodded a bit and looked over towards Riley and then to Priya. "Yeah, he is Mason Malony," he said before casting a glance towards Riley. That last name was well known in Grimm. It was the name of the family where Chris Malony came from, the serial killer Riley had shot dead just last fall during her graduating classes ten year reunion and the man finally found guilty of killing Simone Carter now nearly 11 years ago. "Cousin of the family, he moved into town about six months ago," Tim added as Mason got to work on sawing the tree away so it could be cleared and they could recover one half of the body that was stuck beneath it. The fire marshal came over and over heard what was being said. "Yeah, he is a rookie but he is doing pretty good. Granted this is the biggest thing that has happened fire wise in a while," he said before walking off and going to help some of the fire fighters over at the plane to get the rest of the smaller fires put out.