This is what I have so far. I have a question, are all the sections essential like the likes and dislikes and such cause as Envy things like that would continue to change I feel. [hider=CS] [center][i][b][color=lightgreen] [h3]Sin[/h3] [color=black]Envy[/color] [h3]Demon Name[/h3] [color=black]Shael’Vol Black Hound of Hatred The Malevolent The Mad Dog of Malice[/color] [h3]Appearances[/h3] [hider=Human] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Demon] [img][/img][/hider] [h3]Age[/h3] [color=black]Age isn't something Shael concerns himself with although when one is as old as he he tends to forget his age.[/color] [h3]Pre-Sin-hood Biography[/h3] [color=black]Shael’Vol was born many years prior to the rise of humanity, the runt in a litter of dog demons. From the earliest days of his life he was envious of his brothers and sisters and so began to plot against them because if any were meant to have anything it should be him. Eons spent in the shadows of others eyeing the power of his siblings, seething in anger and malice. Until the day he discovered his ability to shift his form. Fueled by his own malice he discovered the great power of envy, especially among his fellow demons and used their hatred to take what was rightfully his, the title of the sin of Envy. Even with this power, however, it still was not enough. His conquest of power continued until he was eventually betrayed and cast out by the very master he served. Now bound to the mortal realm where everything is fired fueled by envious hatred he plans to get revenge. [/color] [h3]Personailty[/h3] [color=black] Always seeming to come up short on every aspect, Shael always kept to himself and seemed very quiet. A manipulative and calculating soul[/color] [h3]Likes and Dislikes[/h3] (again make reasonable) [h3]Special Sin ability[/h3] (self explanatory) [h3]Other[/h3] [/color][/b][/i][/center] [/hider]