February 17th, 477 AFK [b]Operation Helm Splitter[/b] [b]Situation[/b] AO: Helmstedt Terrain: City OAKOC: Observation and Fields of Fire - Available upon arrival to AO Avenues of Approach - Land, Sea Key and Decisive Terrain - None Obstacles: Buildings, Civilians Cover and Concealment: Buildings, Sewers Enemy: Disposition: Yllendyr Loyalists. Morale unknown Composition: Unknown. At least 2 legions in Northern region. Primarily infantry. Support artillery and medical corps included Strengths: 100,000 strong at least (assuming both legions are in the city). Modern/Semi-modern weaponry. Weaknesses: Distracted by rebel elements Friendly: Higher Mission and Intent: Support Vaspen rebellion and claim Helmstedt Adjacent Unit Mission: Rebels with unknown intent Civil Considerations: Do not kill civilians or destroy buildings unnecessarily. Attachments and Detachments: 400 Cadrin berserkers, 400 Ashin rifle infantry, 100 Lodnorian rifle infantry, 50 Azurian medical corps units, 50 Lodnorian support artillerymen. [b]Mission[/b] This Endarian incursion is going to attack and attempt to gain control of Helmstedt to allow for additional supplies and reinforcements to go between Endaria and Vaspen. This is to support the rebellion. [b]Execution[/b] Land in the harbor. Let the berserkers loose and start their slaughter of anyone wearing an Yllendyr uniform. They will be divided into 40 squad sized elements so as to give them a slightly higher chance of killing hostile squad elements. After the berserkers are let loose, Ashin infantry split into platoon elements and follow them. They will claim key military resources (weapons, ammunition, artillery, medical supplies) from the enemy and keep moving outward until they meet decisive resistance. Lodnorian infantry form a perimeter around the port and begin questioning the local populace of the current situation concerning the rebels and the loyalist legions. Azurian medical corps will set up a field hospital for the wounded. Lodnorian artillerymen will set up their 25 mortars (the only modern pieces officially owned by Endaria) and await orders of where to fire upon enemy units. Once the situation is discerned, the forces at port will begin distributing guns and ammunition to the rebel people of the city and send them to join the Ashin infantry fighting against the Yllendyr forces. The hope is that at least 2,000 civilians take up arms and join the fight. The intended end state of the operation is to claim the city of Helmstedt for the local rebellion and route the Yllendyr legions. [b]Sustainment[/b] unimportant... [b]Command and Signal[/b] unimportant… The king puts down his pen and rolls backward. His favorite swivel chair allowed him the freedom to move swiftly around the room with little effort. He stands up and rubs his eyes. It is 4 in the morning, the day before his incursion is deployed. Judging by the current state of the OPORD, this is a suicidal mission. No contact with the local rebels and the possibility of facing over 100,000 enemy soldiers, the likelihood of failure is certain. Even so, supporting the rebels is crucial to his grand designs. He looks at his desk where he has other papers strewn about. “The Zealot Corps” is scrawled in large print on one of them. Another is a document titled “The Endarian Alliance.” “Indeed” he murmurs to himself. “There is much to be done to prepare for what is to come...” He walks over to the door where he has an ancient skull displayed. “... to prepare for their return…” Someone knocks on the door, startling him. He opens it and finds Gwyndolin on the other side. “Ah, Gwyndolin, you surprised me. It is late. I assumed you were still in bed.” “Indeed I was in bed, but I could not help but feel uneasy about your health. Ever since the meeting with the faction leaders, you have been staying up until very late and have been getting less than three hours of sleep. My personal handmaid can attest to it so don’t you dare lie to me.” The innocent demeanor she exudes coupled with her anger at Zealossus is one that is oft unseen. He is somewhat taken aback by this before realizing her full beauty. Light brown hair that is normally tied back in a braid now flows down to her lower back. Her dazzling emerald eyes stand apart from her beautiful azure nightgown. Zealossus coughs, his face flush with embarrassment. “I apologize for worrying you, though I cannot help myself. I am merely trying to do my best as the king to do what is right for the kingdom.” “Waging wars to bring us to the world stage?” Zeal does a fake laugh, knowing that she disagrees with war of any kind. “I helped you to become king because I thought the Seventh King would be the first king to bring Endaria toward peace, but I guess it’s all the same no matter who’s on the throne. If there’s no war, they go find one.” Normally, Zeal would be outraged by this, though he can’t deny her innocence, and he can’t help but feel self aware in his tired state. “Indeed, I am a reprehensible man.” He walks out of his room and closes the door behind him. Gwyndolin stands before him now with an anxious look after his comment. “Indeed, I am not worthy of the throne, nor is anyone. The only thing we can do is our best, though most of the time that isn’t enough. I am using Endaria to fit my needs, my ambitions, and for that I am quite reprehensible...” He pauses, now at the edge of tears. “...Even so,” he continues, “I will do everything in my power to make Endaria a better place, especially when we become a world power. I will do everything in my power to do what is right, even when not everyone agrees. And I will do what I must to protect the people of Endaria...” A single tear falls down his face, as if he was blaming himself for something unknown to the world. Gwyndolin sheds tears as well, and whimpers, “I’m sorry, Zeal, I-” She reaches out to embrace him, and then pauses, remembering her place. After a few spare moments, almost an eternity for these two would-be lovers, Zealossus grabs Gwyndolin by the shoulders. He looks her in the eyes and says, “In the future, I will likely forget myself in the heat of war. If I choose war over peace when it would benefit us more to maintain peace, remind me of my duty as king.” His dried tears left streaks of red down his face, and his eyes are bloodshot from sleep exhaustion. His request leaves a heavy impression, one that Gwyndolin will never forget. “I will do my best for you, my king.” She starts to walk away, the brief encounter having torn her emotional state asunder. As she is about to round the corner, having collected her thoughts and emotions, she calls out, “Zeal.” The king turns as he opens his door. “You do not have to bear your burdens alone. You have an entire kingdom to delegate to. You have me.” Zealossus looks down, and then back to her and says, “I know” before returning to his room. Alone once more, Zealossus says, “Sadly, some burdens are too heavy to allow others to bear. I will go through the trials and tribulations necessary to defend everything that I hold dear.” He blows out his candles and goes to bed. February 18th, 477 AFK With the plan finalized and approved by Wulfrik, Asgrave and Grimmock, the transport ships laden with guns, bullets, gunpowder and other essentials, the three faction leaders and their soldiers board the two vessels and set sail towards what may well be their doom. Zealossus stands at the dock alongside Gwyndolin and waves farewell as the ships sail away. “Every one of them thought it was a bad idea, even me.” Zeal started. “The thing we’re depending on most is gaining contact with the Vaspen rebels without alerting the Yllendyr Imperium of our intent. Though I know little of the people of Vaspen, my gut tells me that they will take advantage of our arrival, doing whatever it takes to obtain victory over their much hated rival. My envoy over in Ylleria has been gathering as much information about the current rebellions throughout the imperium. Though it is just scraps of information, they did confirm that two Yllendyr legions are garrisoned at Helmstedt, meaning that they are digging in to fight something. If there are indeed rebels on their way to Helmstedt and we coordinate a pincer attack, victory will be swift and decisive, though it is all hanging on the condition that we successfully make contact with the rebels. I agreed to Wulfrik, Asgrave and Grimmock that if they couldn’t contact the rebellion, they were allowed to return home, or continue the operation and go to their deaths, whichever fancies them most.” “Yes, I’m sure that you all fear defeat," Gwyndolin responds, "but doesn’t fortune favor the bold?” She smiles, hoping to smooth over her blunder from the previous morning, feeling that she hurt Zeal's feelings. Zealossus looks at Gwyndolin and laughs hysterically, “Maybe so. Let us hope it does, for the sake of our people, for Endaria, and for the world.”