[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/77b270ded39be0424204ddd18e6ede91/tumblr_o8uv3pWFEj1vurkdko1_1280.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HZ7sx0d.png[/img] [/center] [b]The concept is pretty simple; [list] [*] Whether coach, team member, or manager - we're all part of a somewhat rookie team within the overall Overwatch League. [*] Basically open-divison. [*] After a the initial season went incredibly well, the group have taken it upon themselves to buy/rent a home together, as most teams do. [*] There will be intense schedules and more salt than a salt mine. [*] But mostly, gaming related fun. [/list] [/b] There aren't really any rules to go over aside from than the fact the next season starts in a week from the date of the start of the roleplay. I strongly recommend players come up with unique storylines together - maybe they're thinking of quitting, perhaps they've been getting bad press due to something said on stream, caught cheating, even doping. Go wild. --------------------- Open for all roles, including: Coach/Manager Main Tank Off Tank Support Secondary Support DPS Flex (Or whatever style we do with.) --------------------- Will probably add a little more if people are up for it - If not, I'm up for a doing a one on one