It was made clear through Dremmick's hard fought victory that the alliance had capable members. Ones backed by the Aion and strange magic users. No doubt their abilities were being run through the crowds and on the words of the messenger dragons who soared through the night to deliver word to the mountains. [i]Dear - Queen of Gaia Allo Niscent. The alliance arrived to town pearl and made their stop there. Deciding to wait until morning to begin their journey for the mountains they began making their presence known to the towns people. One by record breaking in their strength tournament. Two by attempting to bed a few of the local waitresses. Further than this they attempted to heal everyone in the town using what is now known as a very powerful rejuvenating aura emitted by a Vrondi royal among them. Ami Lovegood is her name. This however came with negative results and casualties though all financial and medical. Ami's aura went unchecked and made the vegetation grow out of control. A mad man used this as an opportunity to overrun the town with poisonous plants. However with the rejuvenation of the towns guardians he was quickly dispatched. Furthermore an elixir capable of undoing the decay spread across the lands was created, though very little of it exists. Further attempts to produce more will likely yield success.[/i] From: Pearl's Elder The people cleared the town's streets. It was time for a nights rest and to deal with what was left in the morning. The inn was still accepting service for food and rooms. Their outside walls scratched and covered from the bottom up in a thick portion of vines. But the inside was still just as clean and inviting. Their tables and chairs, stairs and ceilings, doors windows, beds and even baths were larger than usual. All to accommodate their large Oro guests who lived in this town and the one over. The bard within Savvan's inn was strumming a gentle tune. As he himself seemed almost falling asleep. A drink in his hand and unaware of the troubles outside. The presence of the guardians seemed to be the most reliable source of defense this town had. As no guards patrolled like in other towns. A simple quiet place this was. [@Jollan][@Lotrix Molick][@drewccapp][@Guy0fV4lor][@13org][@Brithwyr]