[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Hero's District, Priestella Death count: 1 Reset Count: 2 [hr] One instant she had been outside with Wisp and Aki, the next she was back with the others. What happened? Time had seemed to freeze, and with a blink she was brought back to an earlier point in the day when she had met everyone else and had made the decision to go with Aer to get identification. Did she die? She didn't think she did. Chieko frowned. Then what had happened? Did the reset not happen just because of death? Her death? Everyone's death? Someone else's death, then? Ashton and Flame were busy conversing with Aer and trying to get someone to be a...'leader'. Hmph, well, she wasn't going with anyone they picked. [color=Chocolate]"...ow."[/color] Chieko was bought out of her thoughts by the feeling of someone trying to crush her hand. She cast a glance over to Aerith. Was she trying to break her hand? Because it sure felt like it. She'd might have said something too, but that look Aerith had wasn't...well, it seemed like something had happened on their end. The death grip on her hand supported that fact, at least. She was torn. She didn't want to say no to Aerith and Hiro. They were nice to her, but obviously something bad had happened and she really wanted that identification. It had gone well last time, hadn't it? Everything taken care of nice and neatly. Mono may have been a jackass, but he seemed reasonable. Mostly. Maybe she could convince Aerith and Hiro to come with them this time. Ah, where was Aki at when she needed a comfort hug? Making decisions was always easier when she had a little sister to hug. [color=Chocolate]"Uhm...Aerith do you always try to kill things by crushing their hand?"[/color] Chieko replied quietly. [color=Chocolate]"I...don't know what happened but we were safe."[/color] She cast a glance over to Aer and Yuuki. Oof, this hurt a lot. Not the hand crushing. Emotionally. [color=Chocolate]"Uhm...maybe you should come with us?"[/color] She pulled her scarf over her mouth again before pulling her hand out of Aerith's grip. She hated this. [color=Chocolate]"W-wait I'm going with you..."[/color] She moved back over to Aer and Yuuki, hoping the others followed. She was going to get that identification, and then she was going to go to the adventurer's guild and find some training. She wasn't going to be this weak forever, and when she was a proper hero, she wasn't going to let something like this happen.