[@Hokum] [@Prima Luce] Kaldalis shot a disgusted glare at the prisoner as he tried to win over Boris' trust. Before he could say anything however, Boris grabbed the bars of his cell and shook it with great force, shouting. As Boris shook the man's cage, Kaldalis could see the strength that he really posseses as the bars were bent and twisted. He opted to stay silent and allow Boris to go through the full course of his temper, lest he incur his wrath as well. After his temper had finished its course, Boris turned back to Kaldalis and switched back to his more docile demeanor, stating that he was here to punish the prisoner, before shouting at the man about a child. It was then Kaldalis had an idea about why the man was locked in here. [i]At least the guard are doing something right...[/i] Kaldalis thought, [i]Scum like him belong in here...[/i] Boris shook the cage again before realizing he had the keys and showing said keys to Kaldalis. [b]Kaldalis:[/b] You can finish your business with the man Boris, I can wait. He also noticed that Boris was fumbling around with the keys, and raised his own hand, pointing at the key that looked like it belonged to the other cells lock. [b]Kaldalis:[/b] Try that one.