[@Todd Howard] I like the concept. Not one you see often, so points for originality. (Though it will make the after-story bits a bit of a headache.) Two minor points- First being the character art- it's a bit too cartoony, [plus it appears to be a fanart from that terrible attempt at a Lorax movie?] so I don't feel it's a fair representation of the character, ya feel? Also, I get having to fill in the Techniques for Bancho Lillymon, (Also, awesome choice) but, at the same time, I'd rather you fill in the defaults before adding a custom. I get having Rosethorn Yoyo there, but I get the feeling "Absolute Territory" is supposed to be the Yoyo attack. Don't ask why, I just get the visual of using the full length of the yoyo to prevent enemy approach. If you need help for Twin Petal and Nightmare Assemble, I can throw my hat into the ring.