"Land in sight!" Captain Flooby Badoop had heard his first mate loud and clear. He had, in fact, seen the land before he did, through his spyglass. Peering through the lens of it, he saw it drifting ever closer into his vision - a large landmass, followed by several smaller islands. The trees were unlike anything he'd seen - their tips were spiked, and their bark was grooved. Strange fruits seem to hang from them. He'd, of course, heard tales of the tropics from sailors. But nothing could have prepared him for the natural beauty that he saw in this moment. He was in awe of the natural splendor of it all. Such an unspoiled, perfect land, like a little Garden of Eden, untouched by man. What strange creatures awaited them there? Had others settled this land? Were there already natives living there? And how could he mess it all up? There was enough supplies in the hull of their fine carrack to support a little settlement. He'd 'convinced' a number of n'er-do-wells, whores, and druken sailors to go with him to this strange new land. They were to be his Christmas elves in this tropical pole - making whatever he needed to cause mayhem. According to his map, they would be landing on the easternmost part of the largest isle. As the Captain stood on the bow, he pulled out his map, and did calculations in his head. "First mate!" he called, "will are landing proceed aplomb? What do you suppose the terrain will be like? And might you think there be any natives nearby that might need dealing with?"