[@Ithradine] So I'll probably create a culture as part of the character. I'd like to have something that adds some semblance of truth to the Gaia Golem. Maybe its a powerful conjurer or elemental magical source that attempts to grow life through some visions bestowed upon the legends, gods, or demons that speak to it. My first thought is that the Veidish were created as a type of servitor race, conjuring or elemental magic so powerful it actually birthed a breed of wood elemental. If their master is for whatever reason is gone, it left the odd race to their own devices, young and without purpose. The character I was thinking is an attempt for the Veidish to develop into an actual culture. A leadership caste attempting to impose purpose and order onto its unguided race. Hell maybe they are hive minded, never seen that in a fantasy setting. But of course, I can go in much much stranger directions. For instance, the Veidish literally grow from immense and magical trees and my character is looking for a place to take root and grow the next generation.