[h2][center][color=cyan]Nicole[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Nicole silently walked back around the counter, balancing two steaming mugs in her hands as well as a small pitcher of cream and another with sugar. She carefully placed her burden on the table, pushing one of the mugs at Archie, then lowered herself into the chair opposite, studying him carefully. [Color=cyan]"Do you mean like metaphorically? You have an anger problem and... holy shit, you're being literal aren't you?"[/color] Nicole stared at Archie dumbfounded for a moment, then slumped backward in her chair. [Color=cyan]"I mean, I knew people with powers were showing up, but I didn't expect someone to actually show up on my doorstep."[/color] Nicole stared atArchie for a long moment, then came to a decision of her own. [Color=cyan]"I suppose since you told me your secret, it's only fair that I show you mine."[/color] she closed her eyes and reached out to the work table behind her, finding what she was looking for sitting just inside her range. She pulled at. The torn piece of clothing, feeling the frayed edges and broken seams. The entire article floated off the table and into her hands, the threads twitching like snakes as they sought to rejoin the breaks. [Color=cyan]"I know it isn't the same,"[/color] she said leaving the cloth to settle again as she returned her attention to Archie, [color=cyan]"My power doesn't change who I am when I use it, I never hurt people without meaning to. I cant say I understand how you feel. Still, I hope that knowing there's someone else who isn't completely normal will help you somehow."[/color] Nicole smiled at Archie, a rare, actual smile, [color=cyan]"I want to help if I can. Don't worry about the clothes, I'll take care of them, and if you ever need to talk, I'll be around."[/color]