[quote=@Lotrix Molick] [hider=Nomi Laatl] [b]Name:[/b] Nomi Laatl [b]Species:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yapi]Yapi[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 2.45 m/8 feet [hider=Appearance] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/ae0d/f/2014/064/2/6/worgen_female_by_solpadein-d78zr3o.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Force Sensitive:[/b] Y, Fallanassi Force Adept [b]Skills:[/b] Knows Basic, High Galactic, Mando'a, Shyriiwook, and Thykarann. Can speak Shyriiwook and Thykarann clearly but with a bit of an accent. Extremely good cook. Martial training from a Mandalorian warrior. [b]Abilities:[/b] Yapi abilities: Keen sense of smell and hearing as well as sight, Natural weapons of bite and claws (can be imbued with Force), can eat just about anything that could feasibly provide sustenance, increased water retention ability Force Abilities: Force Weapon, Force immersion (Fallanassi Force Invisibility), Doppelganger (Fallanassi variant), Force Jump, Force Dash, Mirror Illusion (Fallanassi specific), Sound Mimicry, Force Sight, Mind Trick Other Abilities: Thought Shield [b]Weaknesses:[/b] DNA Damage: Induced by a designer virus called CDV-312, she is now infertile, has episodes of sleep paralysis, and altered, giant body structure that causes persistent minor pain. [b]Motivation:[/b] She is motivated to create a haven for anyone who wishes to oppose the Empire. She wants to see the Empire suffer for their actions against her friends and family. Nomi also teaches anyone about the White Current if they are interested, focusing heavily upon its teachings about authority being an illusion and all needing to follow their desires. [b]History:[/b] Nomi's particular subspecies of Yapi came from extended generations on a desert planet in a neighboring sector to Maldra. Her kind were long before exiled from their home due to tribal conflict, leading to adaptations to be more efficient in the desert. This caused a more bronze fur color and better water retention ability. In addition, their stomachs developed to be able to eat just about anything with nutritional value, whether plant or animal, decaying or fresh. With these adaptations over time, the culture developed and thrived to be focused upon independent individuals helping one another rather than a tribal structure. This came about mostly due to each adult finding and overseeing their own area to hunt and forage as a means to reduce resource strain. The Empire eventually found the planet's inhabitants, seeing them as subhuman primitives. As such, they made a designer virus, named CDV-312, to try and eradicate the population. The virus, rushed by higher ups, went into use too early and did not kill everyone. The fatality rate stayed at around 60%, thus leaving 30% of the population infertile, with all having damaged DNA, and often physically altered. Of that 40% remaining, nearly a quarter suffered a form of atavism, causing them to become nonsentient and aggressive. Nomi, 10 at the time, was part of the lucky few that kept sapient and alive. She suffered the infertility and DNA damage, causing her to suffer a form of gigantism and sleep paralysis. Her body was always in some minor pain. A passing ship stopped at their city for supplies, seeing the horrors of what had happened. Nomi lost her parents, so a couple adopted her and cared for her. This couple knew she had Force Sensitivity and let the newcomers know. A Fallanassi on the ship decided to take Nomi with her to teach their ways. Thus, Nomi spent the next 14 years off her homeworld, learning about the Fallanassi way of life. She thrived in the group, their independent streak working very well with her natural inclinations for independent yet social action. However, by the age of 24, she could not keep a pacifist. Her distaste of the Imperials led her to leave her Fallanassi allies and seek out a planet suitable to find allies. Maldra was close enough and fit the bill. For the past two years, she has spent her time learning languages to help her find others that might hate the Imperials. She currently lives alone in a desert cave protected by permanent illusions meant to emulate the Sijin legends, causing most to not bother her. In this two year span, she has saved the life of a Mandalorian woman, earning her hefty martial training and a contact within the Mandalorian Enclave. [/hider] [/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/33iqmp5ATXT5m/giphy.gif[/img] [hider=Review] 1) Why did the Empire try and wipe them out? In contrary to enslave? Why were they worth creating a virus over? 2) This is still during the reign of the Imperial Senate, why were survivors allowed off planet? Why were passing ships allowed to land? 3) Why did they pick up a plague carrier? 4) How did they know she was Force Sensitive? 5) What was a Fallansi doing on the ship? 6) The Empire wiped you out, then you spent fourteen years doing things... Palpatine established the New Order five years ago. 7) The problem with causing a major force disturbance continually such as illusions, is that it draws attention. 8) I'm going to leave the Mandalorian stuff up to [@Zarkun] 9) Re-read the OP. [/hider] [quote=@DracoLunaris] [hider=Aranea] [b]Name:[/b] Aranea (assumed name) [b]Species:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Harch]Harch[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 35 [hider=appearance][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XJV8o3C.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Force Sensitive:[/b] N [b]Skills:[/b] Hexweilding: using her size, strength and many arms Aranea can use up to 6 modified E-5 blaster rifles simultaneously. Not that she can actually aim all of them at targets simultaneously however, so the volume is primarily for intimidation, volume of fire and cycle fire used to deal with the fact that the overheating blasters were not meant for use by biologically fighters. Engineering: University educated and with several years of experience maintaining the cis war machine Aranea is an expert mechanic and tinkerer specialised in droids and weaponry. Basic piloting skills: While she won’t be winning any dog fights Aranea knows the basic ins and outs of a flying spaceship and can get you from A. to B. relatively smoothly. [b]Abilities:[/b] Herch Physiology: Herch are larger than most humans, standing around 1.7 M tall, have tough exoskeletons covered in thick fur, 6 arms, 6 eyes and sharp teeth, making them a species you really don't want to get in a fist fight with. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Fugitive under a false identity: Aranea’s many escapades during the clone wars and after have resulted in a warrant being out for her arrest, or rather a warrant out for the arrest of her former persona. When she fled to Maldra she left her former name and history behind, or so she had hoped. Now that the empire is here she has to hope that her bleached fur, new name, falsified papers and the empire’s xenophobia will stop anyone checking to see if she is on a list. Heat: we are in a desert and Aranea is covered in fur. This has the expected consequences. [b]Motivation:[/b] Short term, keeping her head down and avoiding imperial custody Long Term: Escape/Overthrow the empire [b]History:[/b] Born in an unremarcable brood on her species’ homeworld of Secundus Ando, Aranea was once upon a time a engineering student who became enraptured with the independence movements that erupted in many of the parts of the galaxy dissatisfied with the Republic due to the speeches of Count Dooku. As a result she partook in numerous demonstrations and clashes with republic law enforcement before the eruption of the clone wars. When the war did break out the last vestiges of the republic presence on the planet were driven out by Aranea‘s ilk, aided by the arrival of part of the CIS droid army. With her planate free and the fighting now mostly taken over Droids Aranea joined the Confederacy military to put her technical education to use, helping maintain the vast mechanical armies as they did battle through the surrounding sector, very rarely getting involved in the fighting directly. Aranea’s greatest contribution to the cause was not in the clone wars themselves however, but in the subsequent Noolian Crisis that took place 18 BBY. The fall of the Separatist Alliance and the remote deactivation of their droid armies did little to dissuade many from continuing the fight for independence as many of the original rebels again took up arms. Aranea, along with many other Harch joined with Aqualish forces to adopt a guerrilla strategy in the southern regions of the Slice they called home. They began by raiding Imperial supply chains and medical centers to acquire supplies that could not be salvaged from the now mostly defunct droid army. Attempts were made to reactivate droids where possible, particularly the more dangerous units like Droidekas, but the expendable nature of most of the CIS army made this an inefficient time investment in most cases so most of the fighting was done by flesh and blood rebels. After more funding and arms came into their hands they began to take territory, capturing the worlds of Nooli and Galboron, among others, and even began to push into the outskirts of Bothan Space. During this conflict Aranea showed herself to be a ferocious fighter and her band of raiders, the razer fangs, where augmented by her personally salvaged/upgraded of CIS equipment and droids and as a result where a formidable part of the rebel's forces, performing daring raids and cunning surgical strikes that left the empire’s forces in disarray. This all came to an end however at the Battle of Galboron however, where the Separatist forces were soundly defeated by Imperial forces lead by Captain Par Lankin. Aranea was one of the few who escaped death or capture, fleeing along with a handful of survivors on a raider vessel. Left without a cause or a home the Herch woman wandered the stars till she eventually wound up on on Maldra, a supposed haven for her rebellious kind. Here she attempted to make a new life for herself away from the Empire, putting her mechanical knowledge to use wherever she could inorder to make a living, her revolutionary spirit having been beaten out of her by the successive failures and the loss of so many comrades. But the past as a way of catching up with you or so it seems, and now that the Empire is here she fears it is only a matter of time till someone discovers who she was before she came to Maldra and she is arrested. This has left her, and those like her, with 3 long term options. Flee to the stars, disappear into the desert or die in a glorious last stand. As of this moment the Harch is currently still carefully weighing up her options as she tries to remain as unsuspicious as possible to the increasingly pervasive imperial presence. [/hider] [/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dnIsXwv78BC4U/giphy.gif[/img] Only one issue with your sheet, re-read the OP. Also to everyone, if I post a Gif in relation to your sheet and there is not a hider/text below it detailing issues with your sheet. Then consider yoruself accepted.