[sup][h2][color=fff79a]One Boy vs A Few Hundred Skeletons[/color][/h2] [@eRode][/sup][hr] Peering through the immediate entrance didn't confer much insight to Nano. To the right of the hole was collapsed brick; half of the castle wall had been blocked off. The left side was still open, however, allowing him to enter. Once he entered, all sound seemed to hush. The soft winds that blew tall grass had vanished and left nothing to hear. There was too little to hear. It was eerily quiet, the only noises coming from the boy. Each footstep that Nano made seemed to reverberate throughout the castle. His own breath filled his ears. If he had stopped moving and held his breath, it was almost certain that he would hear his blood move through his body. Breaking the silence was a creaking rattle. Nano's eyes had been adjusting to the darkness and—thanks to the occasional crack in brick—could see his surroundings. The ground was filled with bones. At least a dozen skulls, eight sternums, four legs, and more arms than Nano could count. It was rather hard to discern why there were so many arms, but it was certain whoever owned this castle in the past had an army. Not a single piece of equipment was left on the ground. Besides the dust, dirt, and bones, it was extraordinarily clean. One would expect trash left from adventurers who entered to clear skeletons, but there was nothing left. Up ahead, however, was four skeletons. They seemed to be uninterested in patrolling or doing anything. In fact, Nano wasn't sure if they were even animated. They were all sitting, lying down, or looking away. By moving quickly, Nano could use piles of fallen brick as cover to proceed past them. [hr]