Current plot and time left before the next vote will be up here. We're going off a system where each 'plot' (which could be as small as a single 'scene') lasts at least a week. When the plot is over, there will be a week of voting on the next plot. The time in between will be sort of 'down-time' for the characters to develop and express themselves based on the plot and how characters and such acted within it. Once the new plot is started, then the timer will reset. Plots can last longer than a week, but hopefully we'll keep the ball rolling so they don't take more than a month to finish. Some plots might be ongoing and coincide with other small plots taking place. Really just seeing how things work as we muddle along :P Current Plot - 'New Beginnings' - OOC Info: Getting the characters introduced and showing people the kind of RP we're looking for. Time Left - Monday 3rd December