[@Stern Algorithm][@manapool1][@Karkinos] [color=6f879b]"Well...i'm not with the Authority, or the Rebellion. i'm just a wandering gem, me and my little friend here just found out about this place..."[/color] Serendibite say to the aristocratic gem, she look at the pearl gem she have in her hand [color=6f879b]"...And by the look of your pearl friend there, I guess there were traps when your enter huh? Also, i'm not sure this place have recovery chamber." [/color] Serendibite spotted a another gem behind the aristocratic gem, it was a ruby solider. Back from homeworld, she hear a myth that some or all rubies are dumb but Serendibite didn't that was true, Serendibite look at the ruby gem, the gem looks brand new and polish, she thinking that this ruby is 2 years old or was made yesterday. When ruby ask Serendibite to give her a lift, Serendibite was about to walk toward but was stop by the small gem with worried look on her face. Serendibite place her hand on the small gem shoulder [color=6f879b]"Hey, calm down, it's ok. Let me talk to her" [/color]Serendibite calmly said to the small gem, she look at the ruby [color=6f879b]"What my little friend is trying to say is, what business you have being here? Is it for the map?"[/color] Serendibite calmly asking the ruby.