[quote=@Ithradine] [@Glyph] You pretty much hit the nail on the head regarding their architecture and clothing style. Also, it is funny that you should choose Amaranthine as your city because it is home to one of the most powerful vampires in the world named Catherine St.Claire and her two sisters. [/quote] Oh good, I like when the hammer doesn't miss the nail. [i]So[/i]...I do have another idea for Amaranthine specifically (although I suppose other cities within the DE can adapt), but what if there were "Houses" that belonged to various families. (i.e. like in GoT, House Stark, House Targaryen, etc) For instance, Lord-governor Encel Armenis might be at the top of the chain, and then there can be houses under that. Perhaps the "houses" are vying for power/influence over each other or neighboring cities within the DE. Just a thought :)