[b]Character you have created:[/b] Cassandra Rose [b]Alias:[/b] Lady Luck [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line [b]Identity:[/b] Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Cassandra is very mischievous, loud, and well chaotic. She does whatever she wants to entertain herself, whether that be robbing the world's tightest bank or taking out the gangs of her city. She craves attention and will do almost anything to be in the spotlight, as such she tries to make a lot of friends or [i]enemies[/i], to make sure that spotlight has a stage to cast on. [hider=Costume][img]https://i.imgur.com/OCVFNKl.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Origin/Bio]Born to a poor family, Cassandra did what ever she could to keep her stomach full. So, she stole. And became quite good at it until she found her fingers in the wrong man's pocket. A man whom dabbled in magic. The man would have reported her to the police if he hadn't seen the spark of magic in the girl. It was on that day her Apprenticeship started. During her apprenticeship, she managed to learn simple cantrips and parlor tricks, however she could never manage to cast a spell of any reasonable complexity. It always fizzled out or failed to work completely. No wand or staff or even crystal could harness her power correctly and she almost entirely given up until she learned that she cast magic better if she didn't know what she was casting. Did it make sense? No! But she wasn't complaining! Picking up a deck of cards, she quickly started casting magic from multiple magic schools many high and low leveled. And by the time she reached the age of 23, her mentor deemed that she was ready for the world, to do with her magic as she saw fit. [/hider] [b]Hero Type:[/b] Mystic [b]Power Level:[/b] City [hider=Powers] Lady Luck has magical powers, but can only use them to any impactful degree when she uses a deck of cards as a focus. When using her deck of cards, she can "activate" them in 3 ways. She can draw a card and activate it, applying the effect to herself. She can throw it at someone and on contact it activates and applies the effect to them, or she can throw a card on a surface and set a trap that activates on a variable set by her that applies the effect to whomever activated the variable. The effect or spell activated depends on the suite and number of the card. If Lady Luck draws the same card again, while it's in effect, it will "level up" to a higher form. The sheet linked [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mCp-CEzsqEWWtlwZ9sEj5vLJdzw-d2I22X4SKz9CC2U/edit?usp=sharing]here[/url] shows the list of powers and their leveled up forms.[/hider] [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 5'11" Weight: 130 lbs Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human, due to the way she uses her powers, she has trained to react and act very quickly. Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Peak Human Agility: Is skilled in acrobatics to the level of the average gymnast. Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Trained, specialty knives. Resources: Average[/indent] [hider=Weaknesses] Lady Luck can not have multiple of the same number/face active at the same time, if she draws another card with the same face/number it will replace the previous one. For example, if she has bullet ants on the field and she draws wasps, the ants will disappear and the wasps will replace them. Without her cards, Lady Luck is reduced to knives and simple cantrips and spells. If you manage to get her deck away from her, she's a much easier woman to beat.[/hider] [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Has a mother and father in St. Louis as well as a mentor. Came to Haven for a fresh start with no complications. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] Indeed, I do. [hider=Sample Post] Cassandra squints at those around her, keeping her cards close to her eyes. She was really competitive when it came to these games, though... it's not like you could really get good at them, it all depended on the luck of the draw. Lady Luck was sitting at a poker table, surrounded by a bunch of shady folk. She didn't ask what they do, only if she could play. And to her surprise, they accepted. Dumb asses. She had managed to get a decent score, completely legitimately of course, she had a number of chips on her side of the table. It wasn't luck it was... well. Bullshit, she was really good at bullshitting. And she did nothing but bullshit this entire game. And it showed. Looking back at her hand, she frowned. Another garbage hand, a seven of Spades and a two of hearts. With the river and the flop, she didn't manage to get any pairs and she didn't have a single high card, so the smart thing would to be to fold. [color=ed1c24]"All in!"[/color] The woman blurts out, pushing all of her chips to the center of the table. The guy to her left immediately folds and so does the person to his left. A cheeky grin sprawls out until, her eyes locked to the last man at the table. With a sneer her pushes his chips to the center too, causing the smirk on her face to immediately drop. Well, shit. Uh... The man flips his cards, a pair of aces with another on the river. Three aces... uh... Well, when the going gets rough, cheat. Smiling, she drops her cards on the table, the seven suddenly growing in side and turning green. To the surprise of everyone, a large crocodile appears on the table, quickly snapping at the closest man. With a quick snatch, Lady Luck jumps from her chair with a pile of chips in her hand, quickly fleeing out the door and into the awaiting car on the other side of the street. [color=ed1c24]"To the cheater gets the spoils once again!"[/color] She quickly cheers, her car shooting from the street and away from the building. [/hider]