[img]https://scontent.fmvd4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/46733101_204720593775994_1412967446368747520_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ht=scontent.fmvd4-1.fna&oh=49f90fc39b9f367b446691143b550f3a&oe=5C67BE64[/img] Deep into the mountain system at the nort of the always in conflict continent of Kardiel rises a huge castle, unlike all others this is no normal castle, as it is the school all wizards and witches from Kardiel come from, it is, Arzel, the school of magic. Although the existence of Arzel is known to the entire world, the entrance is restricted only to pure-blood students, children that since birth have been through the mutations caused by the magical potions, training and in many cases, torture. Even in the pure-blood families "failed children" can appear, no children can cast a spell before the age of 15 when their bodies are ready to withstand the huge pressure of the most simple spell, which would kill a normal human. Interaction with the world: Although Arzel is for pure-bloods only it does not mean all those inside are hermits locked in a library (some are), the closest city, Katalar, gives the School food and other goods, in exchange Arzel offers it's services by enchanting ítems, selling potions, killing monsters and is also an effective coercive element against other Kingdoms, as they think twice before attacking the Kingdom of Rones, where Katalar is located, though Arzel claims to be neutral land. The World: Kardiel is devided in many Kingdoms that constantly fight for territiry, as said before Arzel is located in the Kingdom of Rones, shares it's borders with the Republic of Alques and the Kingdom of Mult, they divide they mountain system in three and are relatively peace compared to the central plains where countries rise and fall all the time. The south and west are jungles, most of the population are tribes of elves that also fight with each other when they are not fighting humans. The west is covered by the Ostram Desert and is home to the Orc Kingdoms, dragons and other beasts. Mana: The source of all magical power Living beings produce mana naturaly through their hearts, which also pumps the mana through all the body as it does with the blood. Mana is, in theory, infinite. However if a person consumes mana faster than what their heart can produce it then consecuences happen, the first sign of mana overuse is bleeding, by the ears, eyes, mouth or nose. It can lead to temporal or permanent blindness, deafness, end up crippled ir finally dead. Other way to gather mana is through a sacrifice, transforming the sacrificed soul into mana. Though the School has banner this horrible acts. School subjects: Students are not forced to assist to all the subjects, so they can focus on what they are interested in >Destruction Magic: -Fire Magic -Water Magic -Thunder Magic -Earth Magic -Wind Magic >Wards magic -Instant shields -360° barriers >Healing Magic >Enchantments -Body enchantments -Item enchantments >Alchemy -Potions and poisons >Demonology and knowledge of all monsters in all the world. Simply known as "Demonology" Character Sheet: Appearance Name: Age: One spell: Subjects: Biography Ítems: