Mergoux narrowed her eyes slightly from where she stood. She'd been called out, apparently not as subtle as she'd have preferred. Well there was no point in pretending any further, it was obvious to her that the older Knight had seen past her ruse of visiting the dead. She lay a seemingly lazy hand on her belt, right next to where one of her overlarge knuckledaggers lay, then began her approach slowly, sizing up the two women and the man. Of the three, the man seemed the most threatening, the most heavily armed and armored, though the younger Raven Knight was not to be ignored. The older man simply had experience, and to Mergoux that was potentially far more dangerous that youth. She was well aware her face would be unknown around here, but who knew how far these three had traveled? Surely there were a few wanted posters rotting in dingy taverns along the way... As she joined them, hazel eyes watched each person carefully, settling finally on the young, darker skinned woman. [color=green]"Help how girl?"[/color] she asked, her tone short, her accent vaguely Nordic. [color=green]"What do you know of this plague?"[/color] she asked of Shiara, not so much as bothering with an introduction of herself. Mergoux had no use for such niceties, it was better to get to the point right away and deal with the problem then to waste time being polite and courteous. For the moment however, she at least offered a nod to the armored Knights, making it hopefully clear she preferred them over the indignant whelp, at least for the moment.