[@KatherinWinter] [color=gray]What the hell makes you think I weren't in fighting, girl? Underground fights were my backyard.[/color] He said as he was more of a doer. He walked up to her and looked her up and down. This would be his first time using his animal abilities in a fight so it would probably getting some used to. That's probably the main advantage Roxy has against him. Looking her up and down, Oliver walked around her before taking a relaxed stance [hider=something like this] [img]https://fsmedia.imgix.net/3d/47/b2/c5/9909/4730/8e08/d4dff152963c/donnie-yen-ip-man-3.jpeg?auto=format%2Ccompress&w=800&h=800&crop=entropy&fit=crop[/img] [/hider] before rushing but stopping ahead of her to go for 4 swift first punches towards Roxy's chest but stood in a stance that of she was to counter, he'd be able to block maybe 2 attacks and back away before he'd go for another. He was going to start simple. No need to go all out....yet.