"Protect Her Mercy!" shouted a guard, leaping back from the arrow's strike. A second one followed the first, landing on his chest. The strange fire ate through the lamellar, as well as his natural scales, in a matter of seconds. He clawed at his chest and screamed, his own claws digging deep and red gouges from the wound. More arrows quickly followed, feathering another guard. Ardasa threw herself to the floor of the carriage, and the driver cracked his whip upon the great beasts. They had hardly moved before one of the worgs toppled over, having been pierced twice. The driver drew his sword and cut the reins, pushing the other forward. They sped away, as another crashed through the thatched window, spraying straw and wood splinters into the carriage. Ardasa spit some from her mouth in disgust. Dracons emerged from the shadows of the buildings. Some wore armor, hammered with the insignia of the state and armed with cruel swords. Others were clad in dark cloth, nocking arrows into strings as long as she is tall. Were they Hekaga soldiers? Did they serve the prince? The carriage stumbled along, under the power of only one worg. It rattled through dim alleyways, occasionally hit by an arrow with such force that it caused the entire box to shake, and approached the city walls, as well as its open gate.