[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Rila[/color][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38200000/Nymeria-Sand-game-of-thrones-38208455-500-200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Rila looked over her shoulder towards Shannuk raising an eyebrow towards him as he spoke, she really did not like being cooped up in the cell and having the same exact things go on throughout the entire day. [color=yellow]"Yeah, it's very nice when some of the guards come in and beat you up for no reason."[/color] Rila said sarcastically as she started to follow them out of their cell and down into the hallway, then she looked back at her cellmate when he asked what her name was. [color=yellow]"It's Rila."[/color] She answered as she rubbed her arms just a little bit as they were met with yet another group of cellmates going out. Rila gave a slight nod towards the other prisoners that they were getting let out as well before following the rest outside, once they were outside Rila looked up at the sky. She could see the clouds in the sky more clearly now as it started to rain just a small bit as tiny droplets landed on her skin. Then Rila's eyes wondered over to some Earthbenders who were having their own little scuffle by the looks of it. Rila looked at Shannuk for a moment before motioning towards the group of earthbenders there. [color=yellow]"Don't get involved in the fighting."[/color] Rila warned him as she started to go her own separate way.