While Mevenn had already mentioned the betrayal before, hearing her describe it again was no less impactful. Kresst had hoped he had misunderstood Mevenn in her initial, panicked state, but the implications of what had transpired were just as troubling as he had initially feared. There was the possibility that Mevenn's squad had somehow went rogue, or that the enemy had somehow found a way to control the minds of their cloned bodies, but Kresst had already begun to piece together the few details he knew to make those possibilities seem less likely. The most disturbing scenario, that it was the [i]Republic[/i] that turned against them, was seeming more likely. The Mon Calamari's already large eyes widened out of shock from Mevenn's description of what happened. Although, it did not take her long to piece together Mevenn's recollection with her own perspective. "Wait, the [i]clones[/i] turned on you? That's...I knew they were acting strange, but this is...well, 'bad' is an understatement." She said, pulling out her datapad as she continued. "I got nervous when the Separatists showed up, but I had the clones guarding the ship, and the droids weren't really getting close to us. Then, we picked up a transmission from Coruscant. It had military encryption, and definitely wasn't for me, but the clones got it. Then they just...the way they started acting had me more nervous than the Seps. I know clones are professional soldiers and everything, but I've been around them a lot, and I know they don't [i]usually[/i] act like the Human versions of droids. They would hardly even acknowledge me, wouldn't give me a rendezvous point in case I had to take off, they just left me and the ship alone. All without any input from their Jedi commander. Now, C2 saved that transmission. It's encrypted, but you have that clone armor, and the comms the message was meant for. We could probably play it if I send it to you." She offered to Mevenn. Kresst held up his hand abruptly. "Wait!" He interrupted. His 'shouting' voice was coarse, somewhat high-pitched, and could be hard to take seriously at times, but it could certainly grab one's attention. "This isn't the first I am hearing of that message. Just as we were about to head down into the Sith temple, Mach mentioned that we had received a priority order from Coruscant. But, then we headed underground before he could listen to it. Our communications were cut off while we were down there." He explained as he shifted his gaze towards the clone on the far side of the table. "Mach never heard that order."