Ratte watched Kai run ahead and stopped to check that they weren’t being followed, just in time to see a flash and an explosion engulfing the tavern. She swore and fell to the ground, covering her head as debris flung itself around her. She felt several leave welts in her back and groaned when it stopped raining wood. She pushed herself up and rolled over, watching the smoke rise up before getting to her feet again. She looked back to Kai with a grin expression, “Come on, kiddo.. we should find Isago.. maybe he went towards the harbour..” she sniffed and started to head that way. The Captain felt the air shift before the building behind him exploded. He fell onto a woman and shielded her from the blast and yelled, feeling the heat and debris storm. He rolled from the woman, who thanked him before running off to find her companion. He hissed in pain as he shifted his foot and looked at the burning shell of a building, “Wonder if that guy got out.. sure hope so...” he muttered, not recalling seeing the man escape. [@King Tai] [@KatherinWinter] [@Raptra] [@xXSINXx]