[h3]MgRonalds, District 7[/h3] [@Crimmy][@GreenGoat] Shinjiro Karasawa was, by all means, the straightest of shooters. He spoke his mind to a fault, was quick to dispel any put-upon airs he came across,and despised foul play as a concept entirely. Integrity was a virtue he held in high esteem— if you infringed upon your words made in confidence, you were worthless as a man. All that said— [color=a187be]"Easy, easy."[/color] he said in a voice that was thick with tension. [color=a187be]"Let's not get hasty now."[/color] It didn't mean he didn't know how to play along with something. Especially if it wasn't even untrue. [color=a187be]"My associate here is gettin' pretty impatient. I think we can all agree that nobody wants to get blown up today, so... y'know. Normally I can't control her..."[/color] You'd have to know someone to be able to do that. He left the rest up to their interpretations, but the implication was made abundantly clear as he tapped the floor in front of himself with a toe.