[center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/zwdws7.png[/IMG] [hr] Lucian's hand went for his ax as she pulled his shovel from his hands. He growled low like a dog. [color=darkred][b]"Rather then stand in my way, perhaps let me do my duty. If what stands between me stopping the cursed is you, than I will break my oath"[/b][/color] he said. She was trying his patience a great deal as she urged him to allow her to help. The mercenary woman asked what she knew of this infection. How she could help. She then admitted that she was a bone mage seeking the source of these 'restless dead'. She spoke of speaking to the man's spirit and Barret pinched the bridge of his nose. He was growing more frustrated by the moment as she insisted there were other means. [color=darkred][b]"What you are suggesting is impossible. His soul is gone. Forever. Consumed by the curse that had infected his family and the rest of the lands. You wish to stop this? Let us do our job"[/b][/color] he growled in annoyance. Lua spoke up and took her shovel with annoyance as she began to start digging. He gave her an annoyed look but she was doing what needed to be done. He took notice however of the bubbles forming from the soft dirt. He raised an eyebrow and approached. [color=darkred][b]"Bubbles? That's peculiar"[/b][/color] he commented, more to himself than the others. It wasn't decomposition from what he could smell. Dust was what he smelled. Lucian raised an eyebrow as the bubbling continued when she disturbed the surface. The ground seemed uneven. [color=darkred][b]"Perhaps..."[/b][/color] he began. It wasn't long till the realization began and by then it was too late. The ground opened up in an instant, sucking them down into a room below them. The dust hit him like a bag of bricks, mud coating his boots and armor. He growled in annoyance as he pinched the bride of his nose. [color=darkred][b]"Goddess why? Goddess damn it all"[/b][/color] he sighed. Lucian picked himself up out of the dirt and offered Lua a hand. He then noticed the coffin that had come down with them. The old raven raised an eyebrow and approached to see that the coffin had flipped over to reveal a large hole in the bottom. Lucian's eyes widened as he realized just what had happened. The man was indeed one of the Cursed. He'd managed to break out of the bottom coffin and dug free. Then he realized where they'd landed. It was a catacomb. Corpses everywhere, skeletons on the walls. [color=darkred][b]"Goddess damn it"[/b][/color] he growled. He drew his ax immediately and looked about. [color=darkred][b]"Lua, quickly use your wax. Fast"[/b][/color] he hissed. Lucian reached into his pack and produced a brick of wax that was a dark pink hue. The wax was one of the greatest tools they had in their arsenal. A mixture of dog fat made into tallow, mushrooms found in the caves of Rabenest, and several drops of the black water they kept. It was deadly to the cursed. [i]"PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"[/i] a voice called out deeper inside the catacombs. A young voice that belonged to a scared child[/center]