They continued drifting around the room as Rexxa described the purpose of the items in her abode. As they'd expected, a good deal of it was functional and important to the woman's daily life. But a great deal of it also seemed to be ornamental in nature. Rasteva could not understand the human's need to keep things that weren't useful to her around. [i]"Well, she took YOU, didn't she?"[/i] The thought was sudden and Rasteva felt a pang of self-disgust wrack their form. The Human's innate need to keep worthless items may have indeed saved Rasteva's life, but considering it was still too much for them. They tried to shake off their new bout of depression by drifting closer to Rexxa to inspect the glass in her hand. The deep red liquid she called 'Wine' didn't look particularly appealing to them. Certainly not appealing enough to die for, as she so stated. But the concept was interesting in some manner. "And this? You consume this to gain strength?" They asked. Rasteva was vaguely aware that Human's needed to eat and drink certain things to gain strength, but they weren't sure how it worked. It couldn't have been like the Daemon's method of consuming their own kin to steal their power, otherwise, Humans would be immeasurably strong. It wasn't something Rasteva liked to think about. They settled for floating directly over Rexxa's head as she spoke, taking note of her urging to make her abode their home as well. Rasteva could not be sure if they would ever find as much comfort in the place as Rexxa did, but they silently admitted that it was far better than being left outside, defenseless against the elements. "Where do we start looking?" The Daemon mulled over the Human's question for a moment. The realm that I hail from isn't like yours, and yet it is almost a mirror image in some way." The cloud broke itself apart into several layers some distance from each other, lowering to meld into one another to demonstrate. "It overlays yours. All the things that you hold in your world do not exist in mine, but this location; your home is a point in existence beyond your world." Rasteva fell silent again for a moment before continuing. "If I recall correctly there are a few Daemons somewhere in this vicinity. But where I am not sure. I can sense their power, but only when we are close. Though if I were to grow stronger I could find them from farther away." The little cloud drifted lazily over the woman's head as it spoke. "Daemons are usually subtle. Very good at keeping themselves hidden. But Humans are...less so. Tell me, have you met anyone that struck you as odd around here? Or at least odd in a manner that you aren't familliar with? That may lead us to where we need to go."