[Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjRlODg1OC5VMkZzWlcwZ1UzQmxiR3h0WVc0LC4wAAA,/flat-earth-scribe.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Obscene Symphony[@Apoalo][hr] [Hider=Lunch]Lunch had gone by better than the mage could expect. His partner, although odd, seemed to be a polite, well mannered, person. Looking around, it appeared not all were like that. Some mages wore collars that their vampires would drag them by, others seemed antisocial and uncaring towards the current situation both they, or others were in. His hands gripped the sides of his seat, turning his tanned knuckles white, before releasing them and avoiding a scene so as not to cause trouble for Lucan nor his family. Salems eyes would instead stay fixated on those with him, Aaron being a bright light of joy, and Lucan his stoic kind self. The other mage present didnt seem much up for conversation and so Salem avoiding making an enemy there. As the lunch grew closer to an end he bagn to rummage around his bag in search of Ingredients. Lemongrass, Cilantro, a Dandelion, an Orange, fresh Thyme and a Celery stick. And odd assortment of ingredients all played out before him on a cloth next to a mortar and pestle, grater, and a small knife. Salem quickly went to work, his hands moving swiftly like a well oiled machine. The lemongrass, cilantro, and Dandelion were all added into the mortar, ground to a fine paste and then set aside. The thyme was plucked from its stems and roughly chopped, finally Salem grapped the celery stick and spread the paste he made over it, sprinkled some of the thyme atop, and them zester the orange onto it. The bell had rung for lunch to end and he quickly wrapped his concoction up and held onto it as he placed the rest into the bag while Aaron went off as Lucan had done.[/hider] Salem stayed quite the walk there, allowing the others to speak as he took in the environment. Everything in this school was so stunning it was hard to remember he was at one. His mind began to race as they grew nearer, wondering if his 'potion' would work. He had heard of the immense speed at which Vampires can move, and could only imagine how fast this fight would be; Salem was determined to gather as much information about Lucan, through his fighting, as possible. While heading into the stands with Aaron, he began to bite into his Celery snack. One bite and his nerves stood on ends, as if he could feel every bit of wind that touched him, another bite and his speech and movement began to increase as well, with the final bite he closed his eyes and opened them once more. His pupils were like that of a predator, honing in on the slightest movements. His gaze caught a man be enveloped in smoke and then vanish. He blinked and kept his head forward, his mind racing faster than usual. Moments later the fight began, and Salem viewed it all vividly. Zipping back and forth against the barrier as he kept attempting to see the best angles, some words could be heard coming from him extremely quickly [color=598527]"Wow! OPH! Didyouseethat?! Whatspeed! Lucanwatchout! HESRIGHTHANDED?!"[/color] the flurry of words flew out of Salems mouth without moments thought. Once the fight was over he zipped to Aaron [color=598527]"Thatwassoamazing! Icantbelieveanyonecanfightthatgood! Areyouthatfast?strong?agile? CANYOUUSEBOTHHANDS?!"[/color] after a moment he realised he had interrupted Aaron and Lillie and stepped back a bit. [Color=598527]"Sorryitsreallyhardtocontrolmythoighttospeechrightnowbecauseofthisconcoctionimadeearlieryouseeithelpstheuserbecomeforeagileandistypicallyusedforfightingbutiaddedasmalltwisttohelpmyeyesightaswellsothaticouldviewthisfightbetterbutunfortunateltitmeansmybrainisprocessingfasterandhavingmyspeechflyoutwithit"[/color]