[center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2j3fmsm.jpg[/IMG] Lua was pleasantly surprised to learn the armored stranger knew more of the Curse than most. The apprentice had just opened her mouth to respond to Mergoux when the ground slipped away beneath her feet. Some distance below, she landed on her back, knocking the air from her chest. Dirt and dust choked her lungs as she tried to regain her breath. In the dim light, she could see Lucian's hand reaching down to her. The apprentice accepted his assistance. Once she was on her feet, Lua looked around, making out what she could of their surroundings. Some sort of catacombs, no doubt attached to the church above. At least it wasn't the sewers. Just the idea of being ankle-deep in human waste was more horrifying to Lua than any corpse-strewn tunnel. [color=ed145b]“Yes, Sir.”[/color] Lua reflexively responded, pulling the browned mask down from her face. The once-red cloth was soaked with muck. The apprentice retrieved her wax as ordered and ran the pink brick down one of her swords, then the other. An orange light emanated from one of the bone mage's adornments after the dark-skin woman had beseeched some unseen entity. In the brighter light, one could see a glistening coating along the edge of her blades, a little present for the Cursed. A child's voice called out for help and Lua frowned deeply. Was this a trick of the Cursed, or simply a very unlucky child? Most likely, the former. The sharp sound echoed off stone walls, making its origin difficult to pinpoint. Another cry rang out and Lua whirled, swords readied. She took a step in that direction, only to hear another wail come from the opposite way. [color=ed145b]“Which damned way is-”[/color] Lua started when another sound came echoing to them. Bonk [i]Bonk[/i] [i][b]Bonk[/b][/i] A skull, barely big enough to fill one's hand, bounced out of the dark and rolled towards the group. Lua set her jaw and looked at Lucian. [color=ed145b]“Guess it's that way.”[/color][/center]