Relieved that Jasmine didn't seem hurt, and that she wasn't hysterically at least at the moment. The danger, even the possibility of it, was simply too much around them to have to worry about calming Jasmine. "Shhh. It's okay, Jaz. Concentrate on me, okay? That's all you can do." Penny shifted her grip, and it took her a few moments to bring forth the healing song, knowing that the young slayer was probably being assaulted by everything around them. "I've got you, Jaz." As Jasmine tensed, Penny glanced about them, and when she jumped so hard, Penny had to secure her grip on the girl. "Yes. Dragons." Penny said softly, "Don't worry. I'll be with you. Ever step of the way, Jasmine." She said, as she began to walk. They couldn't stay where they were, like sitting ducks. "come on, stay close." She told all of them, glancing to the exceeds, pleased to see that both were following her orders. In moments though, she found herself crouching around Jasmine as the ground shook, and a roar shattered the silence in the air. It was incredibly close, and Penny cursed, shifting so she had her back to Jasmine, glancing every which way. Almost at once, Ignatius was by her side, looking around behind them. The Exceed had a determined look on his features, his wings beating smoothly as he searched.[color=firebrick] "Rajah, don't go running off."[/color] He said, his done indicating he would not tolerate her disappearing on him. Another roar broke the air, and a shadow fell over them, and a large figure appeared. The black dragon didn't seem to notice them. For how long, she wasn't too sure. As the sun glinted off the dragon's scaled body, she saw that it wasn't truly black, but a dark slate grey. Its scales seemed hard as iron, and Penny knew she didn't want to go up against it. Not alone. "Run, Jasmine." Penny said softly, as the ground shook again and she could see trees moving, shaking and falling. There was clearly more than one Dragon on the island awake. Magic swam around them, and Penny could imagine that it was thick... shaking her head, she kept her gaze on the dragon, ready to take to the air. "Ignatius, see if you can find the others. Take Rajah. Look for a large group, a ship. Jasmine." Not waiting to see if the Exceeds listened to her, Penny turned, grabbing Jasmine's arm once more and starting to run, pushing the girl ahead of her. Elsewhere, she could hear fainter roars, and all she could think of was getting to the others. Safety in numbers, but also she was determined to make sure that Sasha was okay. [hr][hr] The red dragon, glittering like a gem, towered over Patrick, and those he was trying to stop. As the shadow fell over him, Patrick turned as if he was merely looking at a sculpture. A clap like thunder echoed around them, and the Dragon froze in midstep. "I can't hold him long, get back." He said calmly, the dragon frozen in time in front of him. "Don't freak out!" Sasha shouted, her voice clear and loud, gripping her ice staff, "No one run off!" The appearance of the dragon was more than a little terrifying, But Sasha was not going to let that show. Gathering her strength, she stepped forward, looking around at everyone else.