[color=DAA520][b]Ferron[/b][/color] [@Stern Algorithm]-Gammaton _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trying to gauge Ferron's reaction by his face was pointless. His face was obscured by the power imbued into his earthen cloak. However even if Gammaton was to extend his senses beyond the artificial obstruction, Ferron was motionless and he simply looked toward the insect god with a stern expression. However, Ferron did internal react to the mention of the concept of the greater god, though he shown no external reaction. He thought back to the spiral of fear, and how it was created from the core of the earth. This was a troubling revelation, however he had little time to look into the matter. He was unsure what exactly to conclude from this information, however it did reveal how little he knew of the core, and posed the possibility that there was already an entity lurking beyond the deepest wall, though he could not assume that as an absolute with how little he knew of its mysteries. However he decided against sharing this information with Gammaton. Knowledge is valuable, and scarcity is the source of all value. Ferron paused after Gammaton finished his speech, [color=goldenrod]"I still have no intention of attending this assembly if it can be helped. However, I did require your aid and thus I believe it is only appropriate to explain why your request is unreasonable. I would also hope that we could move forward in this discussion in good faith, and you would not try to manipulate my emotions. You make the claim that it will be of little cost to me to attend this meeting, however I inclined to disagree. Not only do I value my time, but I will place me at great risk. I have no promise that this assembly will not lead to violence, which I believe is the natural result of having so many gods confined within such a small place. Even beyond that more than sensible reason, it will threaten my neutrality and danger my ability to make arrangements with those opposed to the meeting occurring, such as Dirka. But I do not believe you are mad. I believe you are simply blinded by your own idealism if this your genuine thoughts. However, I have no fear that a mortal would replace me. If a mortal was capable of stealing away my chord, then I would be unworthy of it. As for this supposed greater god, few gods are my senior. If there is such a greater god, they have been remarkably inactive since the first of our brothers and sisters were born, and for a time being are not a great concern." [/color] His voice was mostly monotone, however he had put special emphasis one those last few words before taking a short pause to continue this thoughts. [color=goldenrod]"Allow me to propose a counter offer, as you bringing law to my creations is firmly within your personal interests but attending the grand assembly would be strictly opposed to my own interests. I would rarely being such a meeting without a strong offer." [/color] he said, grabbing a small bag from below his cloak and emptying its contents into his hands. The golden scarab startled to life in respond to removed from its container, and it scurried along Ferron hand until after a few moments it rested within his palm. He lifted his other hand, and suddenly a small mound of gold appeared on it. The scarab then flew from one hand to other, and rested on top of the golden mound. After a very short amount of time, the scarab had molded the metal into a replica of itself. The replica then flew to the opposing hand. [color=goldenrod]"This small construct is very potent, a single scarab could construct an entire swarm. An entire swarm could construct buildings, or demolish them. The only way to have the order you seek is to maintain it with a strong hand. I am offering you something that would drastically increase your grip over the mortal world, which you have appear to have a keen interest in." [/color]