The convoy of three ships remained in close proximity to one another as the Cult of the Siren's fleet directed their efforts towards sailing down a channel between two islands. Mariana Escarabajo stood proudly atop the deck as she surveyed the surrounding lands. A devious smile crossed the woman's face. Despite the great distance of her journey, she was finally ready to begin enacting the Cult of the Siren's grand plan. When a view through her scope spotted a peninsula that the Serpentine was closing distance towards, she called to gather her flagship's crew. From a high perch on the carrack's top deck, she struck a grand pose to deliver her speech. "Our time amid the vast oceans draws closer and closer to its temporary ending, seawalkers. In turn, the time draws near that the Cult of the Siren establishes its own foothold among these new lands. For the first time in the history of the Siren's followers, we cease running. We find settlements for the followers of our truth. Prepare yourselves to go ashore. Gather supplies. We are no longer running. On this day, our rise begins..." With a tight fist, Mariana dismissed her followers, stepping down from her perch to parley with the Serpentine's officer. Once back in the captain's cabin, the two began to converse. "Your orders, prophet?" "Survey the land directly on the peninsula's tip. Prepare the full crew to claim their stake. Send half the men to survey the land for valuable resources. Should we find the land suitable for fortification and sustainability, ferry the supplies to shore. Make haste, for we will arrive soon. Begin preparing to unload the cargo, and prepare a broadside just in case. Dismissed." With that, Mariana stepped on, paying her officer little heed. He had already started scurrying across the deck by the time he called back towards his captain. "Yes, prophet. With immediacy." As much as Mariana sought to relax and revel in her ever present success in leading the resilient followers of the Siren, she had not a moment to spare. Her swift steps lead her to the ship's stern. Awaiting her was a boatswain already carrying a set of flags. Mariana wasted no time. "Send word to the Herald to continue down the channel as originally planned to seek out any nearby colonial settlements along the interior of the islands. Once there, they're to moor and send crew to shore. Spread the word of the siren in the ports in the silence of the nights. Find allies... Go now." The boatswain didn't even offer Mariana a reply. She began instead flagging semaphore signals back towards the Herald of the Depths. Within moments, Mariana could see the sloop open its full sails and cruise ahead, soon to overtake the Serpentine. [i]Two down,[/i] thought the flagship's captain. With a will, her next destination was her ship's bow where she met a similar boatswain preparing to signal the Jellyfish that scouted ahead of the Serpentine. Mariana already had her orders in mind: "Send word, boatswain. The Jellyfish continues southward towards the approaching island. A quick survey of resources should be taken before they return. Should valuable commodities be found, the Jellyfish is to hold its position until we can send others their way to assist. All the while, hail the word of the Siren." Mariana's boatswain saluted her with the twisted symbolism of their cult, and with that, he began his message. She had only one more duty before her crew were fully at work. When supplies were loaded on the top deck and prepared in rowboats, the Siren's prophet called out orders to her still working men, devising who would be sent ashore as explorers and who would remain as the skeleton crew to fire readily at any approaching threat. [i]This was the Siren's time.[/i] [hider=Orders] All members aboard the Serpentine, Carrack, save for a skeleton crew are to be sent ashore on the nearby peninsula to survey the land for resources and prepare to set camp should the land be found suitable by Mariana. The skeleton crew is to prepare a broadside with the cannons to ward off any passing threats. The Herald of the Depths, Sloop, is sent full speed ahead to survey the rest of the southern channel between islands for colonial settlements or other visible information. Should they locate an adequately sizable colonial settlement, 1/3 of the Herald's crew is to be sent aboard to preach in the night at the settlement's harbors in an attempt to convert those in the port silently and without disruption to local affairs just yet. Once the sleeping preachers have been deposited, The Herald is to rally with the Jellyfish before returning to the flagship. The Jellyfish, Sloop, is sent across the channel and to the south, seeking out another nearby peninsula. In reaching their location, a partial crew of the Jellyfish is to be sent ashore and seek out valuable resources. Should they find something, the Jellyfish is to report back to the location of the Serpentine with as much haste as possible. Should they find something of great value, the sloop is to instead stake its claim and hold the position until the Serpentine's reinforcements can arrive. A set time of return has been established to provide the flagship of the Cult of the Siren the information to know if they are needed to reinforce the sloop. [/hider]