While I work on the lore of Krakticus Quinn, it's time for your daily distraction! :D [center][h1]Origins [/h1][/center] It all started about 20 years ago. Back then, I often played with my sister Brenda. We occasionally played with Legos, and enjoyed Star Wars. One day, mom pointed out that the Force was basically a god, and being Christians, playing with pagan gods was repulsive to us. So we created brand new lore, with Zeranians and a Force-like replacement called the Arts, in which the theory was you could remotely manupulate your environment through electromagmetism. The Zeranian empire initially controlled three worlds in its solar system: Zerania, Zeron, and Zervitia. We added Zer and Rosa later on. While the denizens of those worlds were technically of the same nationality, they had radically different cultures and mindsets, making a fertile environment for political drama. The Terran Federation was an NPC empire friendly to the Zeranians at the time. The main antagonist was Ogel, the same villain from the Lego Alpha Team series. For difficult reasons I won't go into, Brenda left the home a few years after we became adults, allowing me and my other sister, the 8-years-younger Alice, to grow closer. When I and Alice took over the Lego story, we ditched the Arts and created brand new characters. I soon noticed that we always had this ancient empire with ruins and high technology, and they piqued my interest. Who were they, and what happened to them? They obviously controlled the whole galaxy at one point, and making them evil was too cliche. Thus the Crescent Empire was born in my mind. I ceded control of Zerania to Alice and took over the Crescents, now no longer in ruins, but a living, breathing civilization. They eventually annexed the Zeranians into the empire anyway, though. Ogel, too, got a new faction: Rebellion Against Government Establishment, or RAGE, an anarchist rebellion dedicated to bringing down all forms of organized government. Rebellions are always seen as good in the media, like Star Wars, so it bent the tropes somewhat. As our Lego roleplaying days drew to a close, so did the Crescent Empire itself. Our story ended with them fighting a climactic battle for their homeworld against RAGE, which they ultimately lost. The empire was wiped out of the galaxy, leaving behind the ruins seen in the present. These childhood stories form the basis of the lore for The Faraway Land.