Smiling at how the slippery one is handling herself against the cyborgs, Keiji begins to follow her lead. Swiftly attacking and using her quirk to his advantage it seems like Keiji and Sahara chemistry and teamwork is on another level to the normal person. As they continued defending the bank from the cyborg assault one catches the slippery one of guard, but thanks to her quirk she was able to slip away. Immediately as she’s sliding on the ceiling Keiji thrust his arm through the cyborg and yells “ hey sweetie u gotta keep your head on a swivel.” As he’s effortlessly dodging another cyborg trying to sneak up on him. “ Uhmmm I know this isn’t the best time to ask but have u seen a small black kitten in the area?” He asked while savagely ripping apart a cyborg in front of Sahara. “ it’s pretty dangerous here so I would like to find him but I can’t just leave u alone to deal with this by yourself, so if u don’t mind I’m gonna get serious now. Please stand back behind me.” Getting down on all fours an ominous dark aura begins to surround Keiji, and with a loud deafening roar the cyborgs in from of the bank starts to shutdown and explode. His appearance changes and someone yells omg it’s the pro hero Simba