I do honestly pose, having seen this topic arise again, that a completely free, no character sheet submission or the like topic be made, and anyone who wishes be allowed to join. I stipulate the latter because the general idea, the hope of this overarching endeavor, is that it would work. However, I do not wish to waste anyone's time on it and see it burn to the ground as a bunch of questionable characters, and or their players, have at it. I suppose it would be fair, based on the author's intent, that these people need collaborate with the Game Master but I believe this will just lead back around into the supposed infinite list of potential misunderstandings of varying ideas of what something means. I would also offer that to be perfectly fair, it should not be stacked with persons the Game Master knows and trusts, i.e. those who would ensure this goes as close to flawlessly as possible because they all have a mutual understanding. For the best experiment we would need repeat this a few times over in varying manners and attempt to level it against other roleplays. Although I have the sneaking suspicion, some inkling, that I already know the answer; that without knowing each person individually and very well, this will not play out to any benefit.