The dead body that had the glaive stuck in it's chest had faints aura of necromancy off of it. Raugar would vaguely know from his training that such auras were common among the undead, though this aura was far too faint for this decapitated creature to be a zombie. It had the aura of a zombie that was once unliving, before returning to death. It possibly has something to do with the glaive stuck in it's chest. The orc looked around and spotted something in the building they were in. It appeared to be some rope. She hauled it up, which revealed a hanged corpse. She unceremoniously twisted it's head off to procure the rope as she continued to move across the buildings, lassoing the glaive when she was close and pulling it up towards her. Now armed she continues on the rooftop path. But as they moved there was a loud roar in the distance that caused the orc to stop, than curse under her breath. [color=00a651]"Piss. Of course it's near my base."[/color] Moving more slowly the orcish woman came to a crawl as she peered over the edge of the ruins she stood on. Below feasting upon a pile of dead trogs was a massive [url=]ogre-like creature[/url]. Protected with crude rusted plates and armed with a large club, the creature seemed content to just feast where it was at. Unfortunately, it was also right in front of the orc's hideout. [color=00a651]"Well that's just grand. Of all places it wants to settle, it chooses my hiding place."[/color] She looks around for some means to distract the beast, perhaps lure it away. The beast seemed too interested in gourging on corpses to immediately notice the party, but some caution should be used if they have any intentions on sneaking around it.