[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NUtcWs1.png[/img] [@ShwiggityShwah], [@PaulHaynek] [/center] [hr] Even as Ozzy and Ian north chatted about the former's relationship with the anthropomorphic moth, Morgan would continue to remain silent as she curiously looked around at her surroundings. She seemed to be clearly much more interested in the mission rather than simple gossip. And yet it also didn't seem as if she was simply ignoring their conversation. In fact, it was almost as if she didn't hear them at all, with her head high in the clouds. And within her excitement in seeing her village again - despite being away for roughly two days - she simply was focused on that alone. But that would change once the harpy finally called out to her directly. [color=gold][i]"Morgan! So you're from that little village? Were you born there? Or is that where the doctors you trained under were?[/i]"[/color] She fluttered her eyes at Ozzy and nodded rapidly. [color=f7941d][b]"I've taken residence there, yes."[/b][/color] she responded, [color=f7941d][b]"But I was born and trained elsewhere... far, far away from here. Although it's been so long, I seem to have forgotten where exactly it is."[/b][/color] Once they reached the swamp, Morgan released the armored knight and fluttered down to the floor. She'd quickly begin stretching her aching arms as she reached to the sky and then down to her toes. Even with the help of another flier, it was still very difficult to undertake regardless. It was then when Ian began to debrief on what they are to help collect. [i]"By the by, we're here to collect some grass. Don't know what they're called though. They glow so they shouldn't be too hard to miss. That, and some berries. They sparkle so again, not really hard to miss."[/i] Sparkling berries and glowing grass. Morgan knew several forms of these edible foliage - each being used in various medicinal remedies or used as useful items. She knew a thick glowing bamboo-like grass, which is excellent in being used in alternate lighting - although it is very rare to come by - and glow-berries that are also used in special healing balms and used as glow-in-the-dark face-paint. She only knows one species of glow berries that are poisonous to humans, however they are also known to be a delicious delicacy by a certain tribe of lizardpeople. However, without any name or nickname to identify what they are looking for, it was going to be tough to figure out the precise foliage they needed to collect. She only had to trust on the man's instinctual judgement at this point. Suddenly, she and Ozzy were quickly pushed behind a log as a vicious pack of Varjan Wardogs came within the area. Morgan wasn't too keen on these species, let alone anything regarding Varjans in general, but she knew that these dogs were definitely bad news, considering their infamous ferocity. Like Ian mentioned, simple treats won't deter these mad beasts from chasing you away. They were more intelligent than the average dog... and far hungrier. And to her right, they were finally able to spot a patch of these glowing grass and berries just sitting there. That took way less time then they thought. However, now under the presence of these ravenous beasts, they'd either have to wait or fend these creatures off by force. [i]"So how do you wanna do this, you two? Do you wanna go in there, wings blazing or do you wanna play the waiting game and let them pass?"[/i] Morgan peeked at the dogs as she considers trying to distract them. However, the chances of this succeeding are very small, so it was a dangerous gamble. [color=f7941d][b]"I think we should wait."[/b][/color] the mothgirl whispered unashamedly, [color=f7941d][b]"As long as we keep low and stay out of sight, I think they shouldn't see us..."[/b][/color] However, she was much more worried about their scent of smell. One quick change of the wind and they'd catch their scent. She only hoped that they won't smell them out...